Avoiding the problem

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A few months later, their tour finally ended and they released their last title track 'BADMAN'. Once they reached Korea, they went straight to Music Bank for their comeback and the next day, they went straight to their schedules. They have no rest whatsoever.

Finally after a few weeks of schedules and rehearsals for their encore concert, Live On Eath Wanted, they finally have four days rest. While they are in their dorm, Yongguk looked at Daehyun who is packing his things. "Daehyun-ah, can we go and see Jihyun as well?" Yongguk asked, shocking Daehyun. "Hy-hyung, you can't. Not right now." Daehyun sighed as he looked down, stopping whatever he's doing. "Why not?" Yongguk asked, curious and a little confused. "Because she changed. Changed to a person that doesn't talk anymore." Daehyun sighed, eyes feeling watery. "It's alright Daehyun-ah, we still want to go." Himchan said and Daehyun nodded while sighing. Once they reached Daehyun's house, they noticed that Jihyun is missing. "Daehyun-ah, is she still in school?" Himchan asked and he nodded.

Meanwhile, Jihyun is in her class studying. School ended and she is packing her things when she saw a group of girls surrounding Junghye. *What is going on?* Junghye wondered, curious and worried. Just then, she saw a punch landing on Junghye's stomach and the next is her face. She hurriedly stood up and ran in front of Junghye, getting hit and taking the punches for Junghye. Once she landed on the floor, Junghye looked at her, shocked and tears ran down her cheeks. "Yah! Neo pabo! Why did you do that?!" Junghye shouted as she looked at her who slowly sat up. "I know we are not friends anymore but that doesn't mean i can watch my ex-friend getting injured." Jihyun said as she slowly stood up. "Mianhae, Jihyun. I said that is because-" "It's alright. Just go to Daeseop." Jihyun said, cutting Junghye; sentence and limped away, bag slung on one of her shoulders.

As she is in the toilet cleaning her wounds and bruises, Junghye ran to Daeseop. "Junghye-ah.. I heard what you said to Jihyun that day and i saw what happened just now too. I can't forgive you, let's break-up." Daeseop said and walked away, leaving Junghye alone, crying. Once Daeseop reached Jihyun's house, he knocked on the door and Daehyun went to opened it. Once the door opens, Daeseop went wide-eyed. "You.. You are an idol, right? What are you doing here?" Daeseop asked, shocked. "She didn't tell you?" Daehyun asked, curious. "She did say she was one your staff but quit once your tour in America ended." Daeseop said and Daehyun shook his head. "Let me introduce myself. I'm B.A.P's main vocalist and visual and also Jihyun's older brother, Jung Daehyun." Daehyun said, making Daeseop wide-eyed. "By the way, what are you doing here?" Daehyun asked, curious. "I came to tell you that Jihyunnie got injured while protecting Junghye." Daeseop said, making Daehyun winde-eyed.

As they are inside talking, Jihyun came back. Once she went into the living room, she went wide-eyed. "D-Daeseop? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Junghye?" Jihyun asked, shocked. "I broke up with her." Daeseop said, shocking Jihyun. "Broke up? Is it because of me?" Jihyun asked slowly as she slowly backed away. "N-ne. She can't treat you like that." Daeseop said and she sighed. "I've given up on you and everyone else, you know. So.. Stop wasting your time on me. I've already give up on everyone. Since i will get hurt in the end. Just lave Choi Daeseop! And don't ever come here!" Jihyun shouted and ran inside her room, locking it. Daeseop stood there, stunned along with everyone else. "D-Daeseop-ah, why don't you leave?" Daehyun said and Daeseop nodded.

"What happened?" Yongguk asked, curious. "Daeseop, he's Jihyunnie's crush but i guess not anymore." Daehyun said and they nodded, understanding. "Wait.. She said she has given up, right? What did she give up on?" Yongguk questioned and Daehyun shrugged his shoulders. Once they went to her shared room, Daehyun knocked but still no answer. "Jihyun-ah! Yongguk oppa and Himchan oppa came to see you. Don't you want to see them?" Daehyun said as he knocked on the door but still no response. "Jihynnie, what is wrong with you lately? Why haven't you talked to me?" Daehyun asked, curious but still no response. "Hyung, i'm going to get the room key, in the meantime, can you keep talking to her? To make her unlock the door?" Daehyun whispered and they nodded.

"Jihyun-ah, Yongguk oppa and Hmchan oppa came to see you. We love the presents you gave us." Himchan said but still no response. "Jihyunnie, what happened? Can you tell oppas?" Yongguk tried but still no response. After trying and trying, Jihyun still didn't respond. After awhile, Daehyun came back with the key. "Hyung, stand aside." Daehyun said and they moved away slightly. He opened the door and saw her lying on the floor, not moving. "Yah, gwaenchanha?!" Daehyun asked as he ran to her and hugged her. "Oppa.. He hates me now, right? Daeseop." Jihyun  asked and Daehyun shook his head. "You wouldn't know that for sure, Jihyun-ah." Daehyun said and Jihyun shook her head. "Everyone hates me anyway. Daeseop, Jonguppie oppa and now.. Junghye. Should've been a loner in the first place." Jihyun said as her tears slowly flow down. Daehyun looked at his hungs for help and they nodded. He slowly walked away whle closing the door, leaving the three together.

"Jihyun-ah, why are you so sad? We actually have something to tell you." Himchan said and Jihyun sighed while looking down. "Jonguppie said he loves you." Himchan said as he stroked her hair. "But then.. He will break it again eventually." Jihyun said in monotone as she kept looking down. "Can you go to our enocre concert?" Yongguk asked and she shook her head. "I don't want to see Jonguppie oppa. Everytime, just thinking about that scene breaks my heart. I want to run away but can't." Jihyun said as her tears kept coming out. Yongguk pulled her into a hug and she cried in his embrace. "This time.. He won't. Stop running away from problems, Jihyunnie. You are a strong girl. Face it and don't back down. Have you heard the saying 'What doesn't kills you, makes you stronger'?" Yongguk asked and she nodded. "Well.. All you have to do is become stronger and face it again. Never give up and never back down. Go and face everyone that you've been avoiding, okay? Yongguk said as he patted her and she sighed. "Easier said than done." Jihyun sighed and they shook their heads. "Be more positive Jihyunnie. Where did that cheerful girl we knew when we are in America gone too?" Himchan said and she slowly nodded. "Gomawo oppas." Jihyun said as she hugged them and they hugged back. "So.. Are you coming?" Himchan asked and she nodded. They smiled while ruffling her hair.

As she stood up, she winced a little and they saw that her arm and legs are bruised. "What happened?" Himchan asked, worried. "I-i was protectng Junghye from the bullies." Jihyun said and they hugged her. "See.. You are a strong girl." Yongguk said and she blushed. As Daehyun and Himchan are applying, they saw her sleeping. "Gomawo hyungs. As expected of the two oldest member, the pillar of B.A.P." Daehyun praised and they smiled, looking away, embarrassed.

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