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B/?N: one day

New York bus driver

I'm here on this bus. Packed and full of variety. While I was waiting for it I stood away from the stop reading "Americanah".

This bus was different. It looked the same as the rest but it was different for me.

It was packed as New York buses are at 4 in the afternoon. People filled the bus to the brim.

The driver stopped right in front of me. Beckoning with his eyes that I should entire. (Probably assuming I was waiting long since this specific bus number takes a long time to come.)

I wanted the bus and said "Thank you" as is in my nature. I stand at the front of the bus a little over the white line I'm not supposed to cross.

The driver moves from the stop and no one clicks the buzzer that tells him they're getting off.

At the next stop he stops anyway. I look at him then at the three people who still decide to get on the bus. With that I think.

Why did he stop when there is barely my space on the bus?

As soon as I finished my thought I thought to myself again.

NO! This man was kind enough to let me on when there was barely space I should suck it up and move down as much as I can.

"Step behind the white line", he says. We move I'm closer. Packed like sardine in a can.

But the he doesn't stop there he stops again at the next stop. (Each bus stop is two blocks down).

This is when I realised that his eyes didn't invite me on the bus. He challenged me and by getting on I had accepted. I rode the bus until my stop.

I had won the challenge. I came off the bus feeling victorious. Then I felt dumb because all I did was take the bus.

Lol okay guys. This is my story time. I'll do this whenever I think I've done something stupid or my friends have. Tah Tah.

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