11/04/2016 day 7

284 1 0

Dear dairy

Today is a little bit special.
But that comes later.

The ningt and morning where terrble. I dindt hear something form my mistress i were worry but after a explain what happen where my mind better.  I recived punishment because i broke a rule.

The afternoon where a little better. I work on my study and make a pan soup. And spoke my mistress.

For dinner i had tomato soup. And spoke my mistress en had a great video call. And after what happen we were both happy we stay a week togetter. We talk alot and yes we have our up and down. We have alot of fun. And yeah  i hope i will learn better enflisch also to speak it but it takes time. I understand it i alittle but when they talk to fast i can't translate it. But i know i use somethimes some dutch words and she asked me if i want to learn her it a little. But im happy.

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