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I didn't realize Danny Boy had that. I'm so close to crying.

My father is a deadbeat, always was, always will be. For the first years of my early to late childhood leading up until I was 10 he barely paid child support, was an addicted alcoholic and a smoker and never even bothered to see us.

11+ was different, he actually tried and for once I had my Daddy again.

I'm going to cry this hurts me too much emotionally.

I can't remember the people I've hurt. I can't even remember half the things I did.

~I bullied a boy who was bullied enough~
~I became an alcoholic~
~I was suicide and self harm free for a year~
~I'm a DDLG addict. I don't need a Daddy but I have one and it's plausible, it doesn't matter as long as he's with me~
~I'm failing school~
~I fucked up my mothers life (no one plans a baby when their 18)~
~I ruined my best friends 7th birthday party~
~I fat shame myself~
~I under eat some days and others I over eat.~
~I used to take 3+ Tylenol a day~
~I lie a lot~
~I never tell my doctor about my suicidal thoughts or how I think I may have insomnia because I'm afraid I'll overdose on my drugs~
~I'm an attention whore.~
~I'm a whore in general~
~I told a boy he didn't have anything planned for himself in life and it was a mistake~

Mistakes were made. Regrets none~

Quote by me^

~I think up scenarios in my head were my best friend dies in a school shooting~
~I think up scenarios where I save the school from an attack~
~I think up scenarios where I could possibly get raped~
~I think up another world, another me to escape the crippling, cruel and evil reality we face where I can be free~
~I always think to myself 'what would it be like if I didn't do this like this?~
~I think of homicide~
~I'm scared to die~

I know DINOT already did this and I want others to do it too. It's stupid it's horrible, but we're humans for god sake, we wipe out whole species and we slaughter our own. We discriminate against gays and Bi's.

~Bisexuals prefer to bend both ways not because they're not capable of love because they choose to love both genders equally or their confused.~

I support you David~

Sad Reality of My OC:
My OC in which I use a lot has a sad reality/ backstory behind it. I've meant to actually say this for a while, because never have I actually explained Luna Wolf's backstory or reality.

Basically 18 year old girl dead parent and siblings, silver hair, green eyes. She's famous one way or another and is perfect (no ones perfect. Her family is dead for God sake but she's flawless basically.)  most of the time she's either in a fictional world, or she's dating a star, or YouTuber. And yeah that's Luna Wolf. Not much to know but that's her.

I can't remember where or when I created Luna Wolf, I just remember loving her. Luna is the girl I aspire to be. I've made so many realities where I've run away to America, changed my name, hair colour and got contacts and strived to live out her life. She's the perfect version of me and what I want to be. It's horrible but I alway make these worlds and people and places and things to help me get out of this maddening reality of this cruel, dark, cold and lonely world where no one listens unless it's "important"
I dunno though.

Love~ Miss Wolf

Hey, so updated version of me.

Young me was right.

Dad still is a dead beat.

I moved from my mothers house to my grandfathers

I have a boyfriend

My stepfather grabbed me and my mother screamed at me not to hurt him

I had a pregnancy scare (Mostly just paranoia)

I tried to kill myself in 4 ways in one night

I sexually exposed myself to the point where the cops were involved and I'm not proud of that

I am depressed, some days to the point where it is crippling

My anxiety/paranoia can be crippling

I dont know why but loud noises scare me, it reminds me of yelling and I hate when people yell at me.

I've been taken advantage of my mother for two summers babysitting when I didn't want to

I've lost all my online friends

I remember when I was younger, I look at myself now and know its not me. But I've spent so many years trying to fit in, and hide the sadness inside me that the mask I wore is now my face and I can't seem to peel it off

Sometimes I'm happy and then without a warning I'm depressed, no trigger whatsoever

My favourite driving is night driving, I have no idea why but nighttime is my favourite.

Sitting on a beach at night is just perfect

ive lost my writing passion i had. i no longer want to write a book.

I no longer wan to do a lot of things. 

I barely let my boyfriend help me because I'm so used to doing it myself or trying to fix myself by myself I don't want any help and when he tries I just I get scared.

From Miss Nowhere

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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