Chapter Two

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I wake up to my mom yelling. Apparently I'm gonna be late or something. OH SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE. I rip the covers off my body and sit straight up in bed. I can't be late oh no no no. I grab my phone and text Hope to let her know I probably won't be at school til after the bell.
I run to my dresser and pull out a pair of jeans and quickly tug them on. I see a faded t-shirt on my floor and throw it on, grabbing a dirty pair of converse off my floor and running out the door with my book bag practically choking me to death.
"BYE MOM SEE YA LATER" I yell, slamming the door behind me.

I reach the school not even two minutes before the bell. My book bag has rubbed my neck raw and I'm still only wearing socks. I fumble with my shoes and get them on and rush to class. I trip on my laces on the way in and fall smack dab into some kid's lap.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I exclaim, ripping my body from theirs and meeting their eyes. Oh god, what a pair of eyes this kid has. They're big and wide, like a kid's in a candy store. And oh the color, a light green with specks of gold floating around. I snap out of my thoughts and rush to my seat, feeling the heat on my face.
"G a y" I hear Dalton say. I shoot him a dirty look and ignore him the rest of class.


Thank god this class is over. I'm still red from falling into that poor kid's lap.
Suddenly I feel a light tap on my shoulder, and I turn around to see the prettiest boy I've ever seen.
Messy black hair, those gorgeous eyes, and the jawline of a god. He's gorgeous.
"Oh.. Uhm..sorry to bother..but I'm Xavier" he says , his voice soft.
"Hi, I'm so sorry about this morning. I'm , uhm" I completely lose track of my words just looking at this kid. What's wrong with me? I don't even feel this way with Hope and she's my girlfriend.
"It's chill , but your name lovely?" Xavier says, a small giggle hidden behind his words.
"Oh..oh I'm sorry. I'm Oliver"
Xavier smiles when I say my name and I can't help but turn red. This is madness. I'm not even gay, but this boy. He's ...he's perfection.

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