33; drunk

547 41 3

33 ; drunk

29th July 9.58pm

Mao dumped her groceries into the car, heaving a sigh. A sick Belkia was very demanding, especially since he just wouldn't stop pining for Tsubaki to come back. Mao missed Tsubaki too, though she was getting over her depression faze slowly but surely.

Deep down, she knew Tsubaki wouldn't want to see her so caught up with the past, wherever she was.

Mao hadn't wrote to Tsubaki for over a month and she felt bad. But that month of not writing-just mental reflecting- helped her, a lot. She hadn't relapsed once since then, and that fact improved her optimism- which still needed a lot more work, but at least she wasn't so caught up with the past anymore.

"Ah, jeez," Mao sighed as she heaved huge plushies into the overloaded car boot. "Can Belkia stop decapitating my teddy bears?" She grumbled as she shoved a similar blue bear into the the passenger seat- her boot was already full.

She heaved her tired body into the driver's seat and revved the engine, her eyes a little closed and blurry from the lack of sleep she got the night before.

As she drove, she turned on the radio and bobbed her head up and down to some music, sometimes joining in at the chorus of a song she knew. Meanwhile, her thought train was going somewhere unknown as she pondered about random things, mainly about how to shut Belkia up and how to see Tsubaki again.

That was when she realised she crossed a red light.

Frantically she swerved to try avoid a honking car and smashed into a pole. The airbags immediately popped out as she groaned, her head on the steering wheel. Gently, painfully, she lifted her head, only to widen her eyes as she saw another car smash straight into her.

Mao's head flew back and smashed into the car seat, knocking all sense out of her. Mao's heart continued to pump, faster and faster, trying to get oxygenated blood into her brain, but the artery was crushed as blood overflowed and bubbled at her throat. Her body convulsed again and again as her reflexes tried to stop herself from drowning in her own blood.

Dimly, she could see flashing red and blue, but her vision was blurry and she couldn't think at all.

The only thing that reminded her that she was still alive was the sweet music, dimly crackling from the stereo.
Gently she closed her eyes and let darkness overcome her, with lyrics ringing in her head.

"Now we're torn, torn torn apart

there's nothing we can do

Just let me... go

we'll meet again... soon..."


A/N I pinky promise I'm not trying to make this as cliche as possible. 

alphabet | servamp tsubakiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora