34 ; frantically

537 41 2

34 ; frantically

Tsubaki sat at Mao's bedside, his hand tenderly caressing her cold hand. 

He knew that she was fine- she was a vampire, after all, and for vampires, getting into a car accident isn't as bad as a human being in one. And she wasn't in a coma, just in a deep sleep. But he couldn't help worry. Mao had always been fragile, and he was scared that she would take this chance to never wake up again; scared that she'll let her lungs stop breathing when pushed towards death just that little bit further. Last time he checked on her, she still had the jar of sleeping pills on her desk. He could only hope that her mental state became so much better since he last visited. 

"Mao, please be okay. I'm still here... don't leave me." he whispered. 

Tsubaki almost slapped himself. "That was very hypocritical of me." 

He heaved a lethargic sigh and settled his gaze on her closed eyelids, a warm feeling fluttering inside of his chest. "Mao, I pinky promise that I'll come back." He stared a little longer at her before alarmingly bolting underneath the hospital bed as soon as he heard Belkia and Sakuya's voice coming towards her room, his glasses flying off and skidding beside him, underneath the bed. 

"I swear I heard a voice," Belkia whined to Sakuya who scoffed at him, the door creaking open. 

"Stupid, let's go. There's nothing here." 


"Just go. She's sleeping, baka. We're disturbing her."

Tsubaki heard the door click shut and the footsteps fade away. Tentatively, he peeked his head out from underneath the hospital bed and sneezed from the dust before going a little cross-eyed and cutely shaking his head to free the dust.

"Tsubaki?" He froze when he heard Mao's sleepy voice then sweatdropped. "Tsu... Tsubaka..." 

Tsubaki stood up and smiled softly at her before whispering gently, 

"Not too long now..." 

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