Chapter 7

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Selena's POV;

After school I walk to the cemetery. It's pouring out but I don't care, I keep walking. The walk is quite long but I don't care, I need to visit her. I hold flowers in my arms and a birthday card in my back pack.

Justin's POV;

"So, want to shot some hoops at my place?" Ryan asks me. I look outside the window to see Selena walking out in the rain.
"I can't, I have to go," I say as I chase after her. I run outside and see she is holding flowers. Thunder pounds against the dark sky and lightening strikes but she doesn't even notice. It's looks like she is a zombie. I follow her for a while. We walk for miles and miles. She finally stops at the cemetery and goes through the gates. You can tell she's been here many times before by the way she knows exactly where to go.

She walks to the very back of the grave yard. She stops at a medium sized grey tomb stone. On the tomb stone reads; Rachel Sarah Gomez Loving daughter, sister and friend December 5th, 1993-February 6th, 2011. Selena places the flowers on the grave and opens her backpack. She takes out a birthday card and places it on the grave. "Happy Birthday, sis," Selena says as she strokes the tomb stone. She has tears in her eyes but is smiling at the same time.

I go to take a step forward and stumble. Selena turns around to see my face.
"W-what are you doing here? Did you follow me?" she asks.
"Yeah, I followed you," I say as I sit next to her.
"Why are you here?" I ask her.
"It's my sister's birthday," she says through tears.
"How'd she die?" I ask as I look at the grave. She doesn't answer me, she just stares at the grave. I put my arm around her and don't ask her anymore.

Selena's POV;

"What are you doing here?!?" a voice asks. I look up to see Demi. I stand up and wipe away my tears. "I'm visiting my sister," I say as try not to look into her eyes.
"Right, he murdered her too!" Demi spats.
"He did not murder her!" I yell.
"Oh, he didn't? Cause he murdered my dad so I thought he murdered your sis too," she says with no heart. I don't say a word. Justin looks to me confused and scared.
"I'm gonna go," I say as I grab my bag and race out of the cemetery.

Justin's POV;

I look to Demi with confusion. "Why are you so mean to her?" I ask.
"There's a lot you don't know Bieber," she says as she walks off. I leave the cemetery and try to find Selena but it's too late. She's gone. I return home but the questions never leave my mind. How did Selena's sister die? What happened to Demi's dad? What happened between Demi and Selena? Why do they hate each other?

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