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    Two rats climb out of Trip's fancy coat. "Don't worry about that. They're just my rats, they mean no harm."
   Madeline recreates the chin rub emoji and takes a gander at the so called "Trip" laying right in front of her shoes. Out of nowhere, baked beans appear scattered on the floor around them.
   "Hah fuckin gay," Trip chuckles. Madeline does not appreciate the comment so she pushes him closer to the void.
   "Binch leave this household," The Canadian says, offended, but the disgusting Brit with an eyepatch doesn't leave. Madeline kicks him into the void. Trip is now spending the rest of his homosexual existence in eternal nothingness. Serves him right.
   Madeline slips on the baked beans and lands on top of one of Trip's rats that he left inside the restaurant. She doesn't really care, though, so she gets up and continues to prepare her weed brownies that the eyepatch boy so inconsiderately interrupted. A knock upon her door was listened to. Madeline turned around and who did she see?
   Holding the same nasty ass "DIVORCE" sign.
   Madeline skitters vigorously over to the door. It suddenly breaks off its hinges.
   "God damn it, not again," Madeline curses.
   While she was duct taping it back together, Alfried scurries his crusty crust inside, steals Madeline's weed brownie batter, and then scurries back out at the speed of light. Madeline turns around and finds her weed brownie batter gone and starts sobbing uncontrollably on the floor with Trip's rats and the scattered baked beans.
   Madeline looks around. She's not in her wondrous establishment anymore, she's at the space station.
   "The fuck is this mystic messenger shit?" Madeline asks, befuddled. She looks outside a glass window and she sees Alfried, holding that god damn "DIVORCE" sign.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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