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Chapter Five

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"I don't think it's a good idea, Verity," my mother said, placing a cup of tea on the table in front of me.

I sipped on the hot drink as she paced the kitchen twice before picking up her mug. "Why do you think that?"

I heard her sigh from over here. "You're setting yourself up for heartbreak. The guy is mourning the loss of his partner. Things are not going to be straightforward with him."

"I don't expect them to be perfect. All I'm doing is spending some time with a family. Is that so bad?"

"Yes," she said, her face reddening. "Yes, it is bad when you're you, Verity. You have limited experience with men. It's easier for you to get your hopes up and get hurt. I'm scared that he'll take advantage of your innocence."


"No, I will not have this man taking advantage of you and your kindness. I won't," she held her hand in the air.

The microwave beeped to let us know our soup was warmed up and ready to eat. It stole mum's attention as she strolled over and got the carton out. I got up from my seat at the table to grab the bowls from the cupboard, not knowing how to take her outburst. My parents were protective, but I was no longer a teenager. I could make decisions on my own.

I passed the bowl to her so she could divide out the soup. "No one is taking advantage of me. I like spending time with Mabel and Henry. They're sweet."

"I don't know about this." She shook her head.

I grabbed the dish she slid over and the piece of bread. "Why are you acting so weird about it?"

"I'm not acting weird. I'm a concerned mother," she replied, getting her dishes too.

I laughed. "You are, though. You're judging Henry without even knowing him."

The chair squeaked as she pulled it out to sit down, spoon digging right into the soup to avoid all eye contact with me. Weird. The clock in the living room struck one, seeming to knock my mother into a trance when it chimed in a rhythmic pattern. I carried on eating. I couldn't make her believe something she didn't want to believe. It was my life. I'd do as I, damn well pleased. I could see where she was coming from in worrying I would become too attached, but there was nothing to worry about yet.

Henry and I were only getting to know each other.

"Losing a loved one is hard, especially the mother of your child. It's got to have scarred him in some way," she replied, finally breaking the silence.

I dipped my bread into the broth. "I agree. I'm in no way attempting to replace his fiancé."

"So, what happens when you fall in love with him, but he can't feel the same way? What then, Verity?"

The question made me uneasy. "You're thinking too far ahead of the game here."

The spoon plopped into her bowl. Am I? Look-"

"What's going on in here? The third degree?" My father's voice echoed through the room, as he came around the corner.

I waved my piece of bread in the air. "How's it going, dad?"

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