Forced (A Robbie Kay fanfiction) Chapter Three

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Alexis POV.

"You have to marry their son." I heard my mother say, and I felt my eyes widen as large as saucers. "WHAT!!!" I yelled at her, standing up from my chair "You can't to this!" I told her in a shocked, yet strong voice. In my mother's eyes was eyes pure rage, and I knew I should of been scared of her, but I couldn't find it in myself to care. "I can do whatever I want because, whether you want to accept it or not, I own you, and that is never going to change!" She said before walking around the table coming towards me.


I felt a stinging sensation on my left cheek and stumbled a bit from the force of the slap. "You will meet the boy and his parents in two days. Now go up to your room, and don't come back down until I call you for dinner." She said, leaving no room for me to say anything.

I quickly walked up to my room feeling almost numb. I opened my door and was greeted by the familiarity of my stuff. In the corner of my room, I had my desk that had a small lamp and a notebook on it and I had my bookshelf that was next to it that was filled with CD's and books. I had dark blue walls that where mostly covered by posters of bands and T.V. shows. On the opposite side of the room that my desk was on was my bed that had light purple sheets and a green checkered duvet.

Next to my bed was my bed side table that had my phone charger and a book that I was rereading. Speaking of my phone I sent out two texts, one to Robbie saying that I made it home safe and then one to my best friend, Skylar. The text I sent her said "Come over, I need to tell you something. Code B." Skylar and I have always told each other everything. I remember when I told her about my mom a year ago.


"So, what do you want to do today?" Sky asked me just after the last bell rang on Friday. "How about we prank Dylan?" I asked her. Dylan was her older brother by a year, and he was my best guy friend. "I like that idea. We still need to get him back for switching your water for sprite when you were eating pop rocks." She said, amusement in her voice. "So, what are we going to do to him then?" I asked trying to think of something we hadn't done already."How about we put itching powder in his hair dryer?" She said curiosly. A wiked grin grew on my face "Lets do it!" I told her.

We had just finished putting the powder in Dylan's hair dryer, seconds before he came out of the bathroom that was connected to his room. Sky and I hid in his closet, and Sky had her camera out, most likely planing on puting the video on YouTube later. Dylan turned on the hair dryer and Sky and I busted out laughing as he freaked out. He glared at us, his dark brown almost black hobbit hair coverd in the white powdery substance. "Are you sureious guys!" He shouted at us. 

Normally I was used to his and Skylar's loudness but because of a rough beating I had gotten this morning before leaving to go to school, Dylan's shouting send me in an almost trance like state where my mind kept replaying everything that had happen this morning. I had started shaking and tears appered in my eyes. "Please, don't hurt me." I whispered looking around scared, not seeing Dylan's room but seeing my living room. 

Black dots skitred across my vision as I passed out. I woke up on Dylan's bed with the two of them hovering around me. "Are you okay?" Skylar asked helping me sit up and then handing me a glass of water. I nodded taking a sip, "What happend?" I asked not able to fully remember what had happened. 

Dylan and Sky explained everything and I mentally smacked myself. How could I have been so stupid to let them see me like that! "Why did you act like that when I shouted at you?' Dylan asked with worry in his voice. That's when I broke down. They where shocked to say the least because that was the first time that they had ever seen me cry.  I ended up telling them everything. I told them how my dad died, how my mom started drinking, how she started beating me. I was shocked when they both hugged me and told me that they would always be there for me. 

 *End Flaskback*

I heard my phone go off and saw a text from Skylar. "Be there in 5, don't forget to put the rope out." she texted, knowing that code B meant that something happened with my mom and that she needed to come throught my window instead of the front door. I went into my closet and pulled out my rope that was always used to get Sky up into my bedroom. It was on the second floor of my house. I waited over by window until I got a text from her. 

I quickly opened my window and gripped tighly to the end of the rope before tossing the rest out the window. I struggled slightley to hold on the rope at some points but eventually she made it up and into my bed room. "Hey, so what happened?" She asked getting right to the point. "My mom is forcing me to marry someone so that the guy's parents will merge with our company, and I have never even met him!" I told her geting slightly mad that my mother thought she owned me.. "Wow." she said, taken aback. "I mean, wow. Is there anything you can do to stop this from happening?" She asked.

I shook my head, "No I don't think so. I am meeting the boy I am suposed to marry in two days." I told her. "That is mes-" Skylar didn't get to finish what she was saying however beofore rocks were being thrown at my window. I quickly rushed over to my window to see Dylan standing there, about to toss another rock. I opened the window and he smiled as he saw me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I saw Sky come here and figured why not follow, so here I am." He said with his trademark smirk. I sighed before walking back over to my closet and getting the rope back out. "I'm going to need your help geting him up, Sky." I said, looking at her. She rolled her eyes at her brothers anticts, but helped me pull him up nonetheless."So, why did Sky and I have to come through the window this time?" Dylan asked once he had made it into my room. Sky and I then proceded to explain everything that I had told Sky. "This is some kind of joke, right?" He said, not believeing us. "I wish." I said flopping down on my bed. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am SOOO sorry that I haven't updated in like, 20 years.  I really hope you guys liked this chapter and I am extremely shocked at the great feedback I have gotten on this story. It means so much to me, thank you. Next chapter I am planing on doing two POVs.

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