Forced (A Robbie Kay fanfiction) Chapter Four

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Two days later

Alexis POV.

I sighed as I stared at my reflection in my bathroom morning. My eyes had bags under them from the lack of sleep, my brown hair almost black as water dripped from it, a towel wrapped around my body , and then the worst part, bruises and scrapes covered my entire body almost as though they where mocking me.

I quickly applied some conseler on the bag under my eyes and my bruises so they wouldn't be noticed. I opened the door that connected to my room and walked over to my dresser. I picked out Hogwarts t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans before I headed to Tyler's room.

"Knock Knock." I said forcing as smile on my face. "Come in." came his muffled reply. I opened the door to see him at his desk playing league of legends on his laptop. "Hey," He said with his usual grin as her turned to me "Today's the day, right?" He asked "Yup." I told him. About an hour after Sky and Dan left Tyler had come home but not before my mom pulled me aside to tell me that if I told Tyler about being forced into this I would regret it.

"What time is the boy and his family supposed to be here?" he asked "2:00, if I'm correct" I told him looking at the clock, 1:16. My phone started ringing and I sent an apologetic look towards my brother before exiting his room and heading into mine. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Sky. "Hey, whatcha need?" I asked sitting at my desk. "I just wanted to see how you were holding up considering what today is." She said.

"I'm holing up as you'd expect" I told her. "I mean after all, I'm being forced to marry someone I've never even met" I told her as I heard pawing at my door. I got up and opened the door to find Bones sitting there looking at me expectingly. "Well who knows, this mystery guy could be the man of your dreams " Sky said before continuing as I began walking down the stairs "I mean, he has a British accent, that counts, right?" She asked as I laughed at her attempts to cheer me up.

As I reached the kitchen I was thankful my mom was at for the moments before going over to Bones' bowl and filling it with food. He quickly walked over to the food and smelled the food before he began to stuff his face, not even thanking me. 'How rude' I thought humorously before answering Sky. "He really could be a good guy but what if he isn't?" I asked her.

Hearing my mom's car pull into the drive way I quickly made my way up the stairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. "Let's not think about that. Anyways, I'm really sorry but I have to go, Dylans yelling for me. Bye, call me after mystery guys leaves" She said before hanging up. I sighed before setting my phone on my desk and grabbed the current book I was reading, which happened to be 'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Green.

I was only able to read for a few minutes however before I was called downstairs. "Yes Mom?" I asked once I had walked into the living room.  "They're going to be here soon so go change into this." She said with a cold glare as she handed me a beautiful mint green, simple dress. "Thank you." I told her before going into the bathroom we had down here and channging. 

As I put the drees on I sighed, it could be worse but at leaset it wasn't reveling. I opened the door just as I saw my mom calling to Tyler to start getting ready and to make sure to wear something nice. "Okay!" He yelled from his room. I looked at the clock, 1:45. They would be here in about 15 minutes. I walked out of the small bathroom just as mom truned to look at me. 

"You look nice," She said in a slightly cold voice. "Thank you," I told her in a quiet voice. "I expect you to be on your best behavior today, anything less and you know what will happen." She said giveing me a glare. "Yes, Mother." I told her as I messed with the fabric of the dress. "You can go now." She said as she pointed to the living room. I walked in there and sighed as I sat on the couch, looking around, There was the couch I was sitting on, a love seat, a bookcase filled with books and random papers, a coffee table, and a lamp on a small table by the couch.

I wasn't able to stay sitting down for that long though before the nerves got to me and I started to pase. I realized what I was doing and began humming a song to myself, knowing it would help calm me down. The Song I began humming was none other that Nerves by Icon for Hire, ironic right? I soon felt my nerves calm enough that I was able to sit down as Tyler came down stairs wearing on of his nicer pairs of jeans and a green checkered shirt.

He looked to me and gave a small smile. He soon turned around, walking off and came back a few moments later with a hair brush and some bobby pins in his hand. "Turn around." He said with a soft voice. I rolled my eyes at him but complied. I felt him mess with my brown hair, slightly tugging but never pulling, for a few moments before I felt the bobby pins being place in my hair. A few seconds after I heard him say, "Go look in the mirror." I nodded before heading back into the small bathroom and looked over my hair. 

I gasped when I saw it, Tyler had given me a small braid on the side and had it pinned in the back and the all my hair was pinned in a bun. Through the mirror I saw Tyler behind me with a smirk. "You like it?" He asked even though he already knew the answer. "Where did you learn how you do this?" I asked as I stopped examining it and turned to Tyler as we started walking back into the living room. "YouTube." He replied in a voice that clearly said I should have known.

I was about to give some whitty reply when I heard our doorbell ring. I felt my stomach twist in knots but forced myself not to pay attention to them. I walked over to the front door where I saw my mom had opened the door but I couldn't fully see who was behind it. From what I was able to see though there where to larger figures which I'm guess where the patents and then I saw two smaller figures. One of them was the boy I was going to marry and that terrified me.

As they started walking in I saw a familiar face, Robbie. I felt my eyes widen as did his when we laid eyes on each other. We began walking towards the dinning room where my mom said we could all talk. I graved Robbie's arm and pulled him towards the back of the group of people. "What are you doing here?" I asked in a slightly harsh whisper. "I came to meet the girl my brother is supposed to marry." Robbie said with dead eyes.


BAM! Bet you guys didn't see that coming! Anyway, I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry it took me so long to get it to you guys. I promise I will update mord often. Also, sorry for my bad grammar, my beta/editor and I had a disagreement on where MY story should go so we decided it best we not work together. If anyone wants to be my beta/editor I will enjoy working with you.

Bye guys!

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