I miss her already!

400 18 29

(I was bored so I was like yeah let's write... I am weird I know but anyway let's start)

Jorge POV:

"Hmm yeah okay" she said she's going to regret that

(If you don't like sexual things stop with reading... But if you like it go and read and be happy 😂)

"Okay babe it's going to be amazing" I said while smirking I just love to do that if you didn't notice yet 😏

I push her against the wall and kiss her lips gently after that I go to her neck and I try to find her... "Moans" oh yeah I already got it I pinch her but and kiss her lips rudely yeah I want her so bad! I lick her lip for entrance what she gladly gave to me and I let my tongue in after that I pick her up and take her upstairs I lay her on the bed and take her dress off but than she rolls over and plays the boss she kisses my lips very hard and takes my pants and shirt off oh yes I want her so bad!

"Oh really?" she said oh shit did I say it out loud...

"Yes I do so come on" I said

"Nope you had enough for today" she said and walked away....

(It's safe now if you where scared!)

Man why does she always do that to me I want to f*** her so bad man it's not fair I can cry now but I won't do that of course.
I stand up and take my clothes on I go downstairs but wtf where is she than I  saw a note on the table.

I went to my brother he said we can meet now so I stay the night there I will be back tomorrow at 3 p.m. don't miss me to much be a good boy.
Your princess

Man really alone so long life is a hell without her I miss her already!

in love with my slave! *heavy editing*Where stories live. Discover now