Savior butler

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It was a hot summer day and I was boiling. Sweat dropped off of my forehead as I walked through the streets of London. I could smell fires and food cooking and the streets stank of manure. A young man walked toward me and I got bad vibes from him. His hair had the bed head look and his clothes were ragged and ripped. He had lost a few teeth and his teeth were black. He had one gold tooth and had bluish sandals on. A knife glinted in the sun in his hand.I slowly started speed walking before speeding off  down an alley to try and escape  but it was a dead end and the man had managed to keep up,his eyes were icy blue and full of cold and seemed to give everything he was thinking about doing away. "Give me all ya' money or I'll kill ya'! " He smiled evilly. "I.. I don't have any money on me" The guy smirked "oh what a shame lovely~ people who don't do as they're told get punished" As soon as he said those last words I could feel a warm liquid running through my body.Splash.Blood dripped to the floor as  I started crying knowing this would be the end. No one cared about me. Everyone who did died anyway and the rest wanted me dead. I don't know why but I wanted to find out but to late for that now. I guess I'll never find out. If only I could have found out earlier I could have tried to do something and help those people be happy. The man had walked off laughing taking everything with him. His knife,My life,everything. Or so I thought.

??? Pov ~

Me and my lord Ciel walked down the streets of London when we heard noises in an alley. Someone was crying and I could smell fresh blood. I sighed as I walked to the alley to see what was going on. My lord followed and I Could see a young lady laying on the floor bleeding to death. Who ever did this had already managed to get away. "Sebastian pick her up and take her to the phantomhive manor. Make sure she stays alive. I have a few questions to ask this girl." I bowed as I went and picked up the girl bridal style. I could tell she wanted to fight and get away but she didn't.We both got back to the manor and I tended to the girl's wounds and let her rest in a guest room. I then got my lord his favourite tea. Earl Grey. He took a sip and yawned. It had been a really busy day so I took him to bed and let him rest after he had his Earl grey tea.

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