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"C'mon Bren, it's been a week" Jon says sitting next to the depressed Brendon who was flopped on his bed

"I loved him, I really did" Brendon sobs into his pillow as Jon patted his back. "Why would he leave me?"

"It was obvious he loved you too, Bren" Jon soothed

"Then why did he leave?" Brendon choked out, sitting up

"This is the boy who snaps under pressure, it was probably stressing him out"

Brendon thought about that theory and it kind of made sense..

"Let me see the message again" Jon asked, holding his hand out for Brendons phone

Brendon reluctantly hands him the iPhone and he pulls up the message

"What if it's not Ryan?" Jon suggested

"How would that even be possible!?" Brendon snaps

Jon blushes and offers a "Maybe someone stole his phone? It doesn't seem like a-"

"-message he would send, I know" Brendon finishes for him, face falling back into his pillow

"Well, I was going to invite you out with Josh and Frank and I, but if you want to sit around and mope that's not my problem" Jon sighs

Brendon sits up, smirking a tad "I need something to get Ryan off my mind so I'll come"

Jon beams as he playfully hits Brendons shoulder "Hell yeah! That's the spirit!"

Brendon gets dressed and follows Jon out to his sad excuse for a car. He's had it since high school, oh so many memories.

"Where are we going?" Brendon asks

"The bar" Jon says simply, pulling out of the apartment parking lot

Isn't it too early? Brendon almost says but then he realizes by looking at the car radio clock that it's 7:08 pm (cringy throam references wyd 2016 mia)

Brendon lost track of the time just like he lost track of Ryan..


The bar lights were dank and maybe two dozen people where in here. It was quite crowded considering it was a small place.

He could barely even see Jon who was right in front of him. They were making chit-chat, trying to keep the subject off Ryan.

Frank and Josh were there too. Josh was somewhere with Tyler and Frank was dancing with some red-haired boy

"We should try and go somewhere with our band" Jon blurts out after taking a sip from his beer bottle

Brendon hums in response "Maybe, we don't write any of our own music. And I'm pretty sure a record label isn't gonna sign a cover band"

"We could fix that"

At this point Brendon wasn't even listening to Jon nor paying attention to him. He was looking at someone across the bar.

Someone who looked extremely familiar, considering they both had a mutual friend

The person who caused Ryan pain: Pete Wentz

It might of been the alcohol, but Brendon slammed his drink down, ignoring shouts from Jon and marched up to Pete

"Hey, its Brendon right?" Pete says with the most fake smile "Hey buddy"

Brendon could see right through him

"Yeah hey buddy!" Brendon replies sarcastically, shoving Pete's shoulder really aggressively

"Bro, whats your-"

Brendon almost drags Pete outside and once he gets there, he slams him against the building

"Where the fuck is Ryan, you pig" Brendon says through gritted teeth

"He isn't yours, Brendon" Pete retorts with that same fake smirk "The pretty boy belongs to me"

"Ryan doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person"

Pete doesn't respond to that, he just gives a half-hearted chuckle

"I don't see whats so funny about domestic abuse" Brendon sighs angrily

"Maybe it isn't, but this is"

Pete spits in Brendon's face, causing him to step back, distracted. And Pete pushes Brendon to the hard concrete.

Brendon is barely taken aback or hurt so he starts to continually hit Pete in the face til Jon comes out and pulls him away

As Jon pulls him to the car, Brendon sees Ryan's exact phone, same grey case, tucked into Pete's belt

And thats when Brendon started to piece everything together

"Okay what the hell was that about Brendon" Jon growls, showing his anger with his driving

"He kidnapped Ryan! He has his phone!" Brendon yells, a growing worry for Ryan in his chest

Jon stops the car on the side of the road "He has Ryan?!"


And its not spoken, but its agreed on that they needed to find him. No matter what happened

ohohoh an actual update fuck

and shit is actually gonna go down now ;)

oh and this story is gonna end around 25 parts (might be a tad less, or a tad more)


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