How to get a squish to have fun

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Kyungsoo swings his legs back and forth as he stares out his bedroom window, watching the sun descend on the horizon. It's beautiful around this time, a scene he never would have payed attention to normally if it wasn't for Jongin. Jongin's made him see things differently, made him focus on things he never saw before.

Kyungsoo sighs and places his cheek against his palm, frowning down at the book lying on his desk in front of him. He misses Jongin, it's been two weeks since the hyungs grounded him, and he's only been allowed to see Jongin a handful of times and only with supervision from one of his hyungs.

Kyungsoo is miserable and he just wants to see the godlike younger male. Kyungsoo wants to touch Jongin's bronze skin, trace the black lines splayed over his chest and back. He wants to feel Jongin's heartbeat beneath his fingers and hear his stuttering breath as he reacts to Soo's touch.

Kyungsoo groans in frustration, never having had such an attachment to another human being before. He had a hamster once that he loved dearly; he even taught the thing to follow him around his house in a little ball and he sometimes carried the thing to school in his book bag. He loved that hamster, it was his only friend growing up. It died when he entered ninth grade, Kyungsoo didn't cry, his mother taught him not to waste tears on lost things.

So, Kyungsoo doesn't understand why, when it's completely irrational and pointless, he wants to cry now. It's not like he's even lost or separated from Jongin, but he misses him and needs him. Kyungsoo thinks that he might feel stronger for Jongin than he realized, than he can even begin to understand.

Kyungsoo's not big on emotions, he doesn't understand these concepts of love or feelings, but he's beginning to understand what silly girls and guys raved about in high school. He imagines it's something like infatuation, his feelings match the textbook definition, but he wouldn't dare to ask his hyungs about said things. His house arrest and Jongin restrictions, proof to their tendency to overreact.

It's not like they were doing anything bad, actually it was good, really really good. Jongin had just wrapped his hand around Kyungsoo's erection when Baekhyun hyung had come barging into their room. Kyungsoo feels that the hysterical scream was a complete overreaction, and when Luhan hyung had fainted after he rushed into the room was ridiculously unnecessary.

Kyungsoo was surprised by how strong Minseok was, when he pinned Baekhyun hyung against the wall and motioned for Jongin to make a run for it. After the hyungs had calmed down and Jongin was at a safe distance, they set the punishment at two and a half weeks house arrest and restricted his personal time with Jongin to one meeting a day, in public, and supervised.

Kyungsoo has never been cross with his hyungs before, but this is just too unfair. He's refused to talk, eat, or be in the same room with them for the past two weeks, (he's even been making Baekhyun hyung sleep on the couch) and he can tell that they are regretful towards him. Kyungsoo holds no sympathy for them though, they did this to themselves.

If Kyungsoo didn't care for his hyungs so much, he would have scoffed at their punishment and ignored it, but he respects them and believes they have his best interest in mind... even though he has a hard time seeing it right now.

"Soo?" A familiar angelic voice asks, his door creaking open.

Soo sighs and pretends to focus his attention on his book.

"Is there anything I can get you, sweetie? Do you need anything?" Luhan asks, his voice careful and full of emotion.

Kyungsoo looks up, glancing outside the window and sighs once more. "Jongin"

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