Accidental Confession

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Your POV

~~~~~~~THE NEXT DAY~~~~~~~

A sharp pain shooting into my head woke me from my deep slumber, causing me to wince as I began to feel the pain from the day before. My eyes squinted as my bright white surrounding blinded me. I had to take a deep breath before forcing my eyes open to see that no one was around. My mind was still hazy from all the pain killers they gave me to help ease all the pain my body was in. I struggled but I managed to sit myself up and tried to recall the events that had happened the day prior to. I blinked and blankly stared at the wall in front of me until the memories of my accident came back. The akuma, Volpino saving me, and pain, intense pain.

I also remember Alya and Marinette coming after my parents had called them about it. They were so worried about me but we're happy to see that I was okay. They were also just as surprised as me to see Volpino standing in my room. Alya was probably more excited then anything and tried to sneak in some pictures for the Ladyblog, she even got a video of him saying he was the one who saved me, which I'm so thankful he did. After he left Alya couldn't stop freaking out that one of the saviours of Paris saved me, and even came back to make sure I was okay. She even babbled on about how we were destined to fall in love because he saved myself and he came back to check on me because he was drawn to come back.

Of course I laughed, though it turned into groaning, at her thoughts, saying there's no way Volpino and I could ever be lovers and that kind of thing only happens in books and movies. I also reminded her that my affection was taken by Nathanael and that no one would ever replace him in my heart. I blinked for a second as my mind thought about Nathanael. Usually thinking about him eased my mind but I remembered everything else that had happened before the akuma attack yesterday. The excitement , the embarrassment...and Nathanael's crush..

I stupidly promised him that I wouldn't tell anyone about his crush he had on Mari or the drawings he drew of her, and even though I should tell Mari, I wasn't going to betray Nathanael's trust. It upsets me in more then one way to know about it's best not to mention it to anyone and just forget about it myself. Plus I'm not even sure how Marinette would react to Nathanael liking her since she's head over heels for Adrien.

I frowned as my eyes moved from the wall to sheets on the bed, blood stains on them from my side. I wasn't able to leave because the bleeding hadn't stopped and my parents hadn't shown up to take me home either. They were still probably trying to come back into the city, though it's not like I really wanted them to be here to begin with. They're always leaving and going on business trips together without me so I was use to them not being around a lot. Alya and Marinette know that they weren't around a lot and always invite me to stay at their houses or they come over to mine so I don't feel so alone and I'm so happy I have them as friends. They even wanted to stay in the hospital until my parents got here, and were even willing to lie and say they were related to me so they could stay pasted the visiting hours. I told them there was no need for them to stay since I knew my parents wouldn't be in until today and that they should just go home and get some rest for school. They were hesitant about leaving me alone but I eventually convinced them I'd be okay.

I peeked over at my little side table to see my bag sitting there. I forget that Alya found it in the park on the way here. I promised the girls I'd message them as soon as I woke up to let them know how I was. I knew I wouldn't be able to go to school today so I'll have to get one of them to drop off my homework for me. I looked at my phone and it read 10:23am. Wow, I really slept in. Those pain killers really knocked me out. I opened up my phone and sent a text in the group chat which Alya decided to call 'The Love Bug Crew' since she is always telling Marinette and I that we were both bitten hard by the love bug, and the name just stuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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