Chapter 3: Assholes

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Chapter 3: Assholes

The light breeze felt good, even under the warmth of the hoodie. I sat down cross legged, leaning against the wall of the coffee shop. There was no one around, just me, and the cars speeding by on the busy road.

Each car made a calming, rhythmic whooshing noise, and I felt very tranquil at the moment. It was like I was at a standstill, and I was watching the world pass by. Whoosh. Whoosh. The cars flashed by so quickly that they were only blurs of color.

Draining my water, I set the cup by my feet. I leaned back, closing my eyes, getting lost my thoughts as the cars sped by.

Whoosh. I was running, the wind whistling in my ears, the sun beating down on my exposed skin.

Whoosh. Miles passed me as we ran together and I would try to catch up to him, pushing me to my limits.

Whoosh. Checking out the cute guys at the mall with Brooke.

Whoosh. We were riding in Miles' convertible as we sped down the highway. Both my hair and Brooke's were a tangled mess getting chaotically whipped around in the air.

Whoosh. The times had gone by as fast as the passing cars on the road. It felt like so long ago, when in fact, I had just seen them less than a day ago.

Whoosh. The plane took off, as I helplessly watched my hometown shrink, smaller and smaller, until it was lost in the clouds.

Whoosh. I felt so alone, with no friends here, and not to mention Katelyn's cold shoulder.

Plink! Whoosh-Wait what? The foreign noise caused me to open my eyes.

I saw looked down at my emptied water cup, which now contained a shiny quarter, and next to it, a pair of feet. I slowly lifted my gaze up until I saw two familiar enticing blue eyes and ruffled blonde hair. His pink lips were swollen and had traces of red lipstick on and around it.

I recognized him immediately. He was fake-blonde's boyfriend, Jake, and now, after the episode in the shop, I decided he was not so appealing anymore. Sure, he was good looking, but my beliefs were that whether he was good on the inside was more important. Looking into his cruel eyes, I saw that he was nothing on the inside. He only had the looks, but that would only take him so far in life.

"I hope you'll be able to find yourself something to eat and something nice to wear with my generous donation." He smiled, but it was anything but genuine.

It took me a second to realize what he meant, and when I did finally figure it out, my jaw dropped. He thought that I was a hobo!

I glared at him. He turned on his heel and walked to his two friends, who were cackling.

I scrambled to get up. "Hey asshole, what the hell was that for? I'm not a hobo! I don't want your money!"

The three of them stopped in their tracks and turned to look at me. He gasped with mock sincerity. "You're not? No way! I'm so sorry. It's just that you look like one and you dress like one, so I wanted to help you out. You are really convincing you know that?"

His two douche bag friends couldn't hold back their laughter, and they guffawed while slapping him on the back. I was enraged as they started walking away again.

Shaking with anger, I grabbed the plastic cup at my feet and reached into it. My fingers wrapped around the cool metal of the coin, taking it into my hand. With all the strength that I had I chucked it at him. I watched it as it flew through the air, almost in slow motion. Spinning, twirling, flipping, almost in slow motion, as it headed straight for his head.

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