Chapter 5: Beginnings

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Chapter 5: Beginnings

The days following my encounter with Marcus went by quickly. It passed in a blur of unpacking, sightseeing, and school supply shopping. It was my favorite time of the year and also my least favorite. I loved the smooth covers of new notebooks with clean pages of lines waiting to be written in. I loved tearing off the clear, plastic packaging to reveal brand new pens and pencils. And most of all, I loved the brand-new erasers, their edges so perfect and sharp. It was the best part of the new school year. It was the sign of new beginnings...

But then again, this time of year meant that school was starting, and summer was ending. I wasn't one of those people who despised school, but I did think that it was very stressful. I was hoping senior year would be better, but there were  many college applications and  countless essays to write. There was just too much to do and not enough time to do it.

A few days before school started, there was a day called Maze Day where everyone went to school to turn in their forms, check out textbooks, take their picture for their student ID, and receive their schedules for the following year.

My mom sent me there with nothing but my phone, forms, money, and Katelyn, who I swiftly lost in the sea of unfamiliar faces. It was a frenzy of people. People were screaming all around me as they reunited after three months of not seeing each other. All around me I heard conversation and people reacquainting as I stood there confused, not knowing what to do.

I had never felt so alone in my whole life, yet I was surrounded by people.

Perks of being the new kid, am I right?

It was an intimidating experience. I didn't know where to go or what to do and I didn't know anyone.

I tried to look for Katelyn or Lily, or even Marcus (or hell even Jake), but I couldn't find anyone.

After a while, I finally managed to weave through the crowd, and stand in the back of some line. Thankfully, I chose the correct line to wait in, and I didn't have to get redirected and wait in more lines.

I submitted my forms, took my picture, signed up for a locker, and got my schedule. I had AP Calculus, AP Biology, AP English Literature, Economics and Government, free period, and Photography. I was surprisingly satisfied with my schedule because all my hard classes were in the morning, and after that, I was free.

After collecting my four textbooks, I headed home.

Because I was a good person that liked to help the environment, I made the mistake of telling my mom that I would walk back home. The walk wasn't very long; it was only a fifteen minute walk. But with the textbooks in hand, the walk back was torture, especially in the heat.

By the time I got back, I was drenched in sweat and the books felt like thousands of pounds in my hands. It seemed like I had already started off the school year on the wrong foot.


The last day of summer snuck up on me without me realizing it. The day before school, I went out with my mom to go to the mall and buy some new clothes for the new school year. We went to the famous Lincoln Mall, an outdoor mall lined with huge and high end stores. People milled about everywhere, numerous bags dangling from their forearms. They all screamed money.

I didn't buy much. I only purchased a pair of new running shoes, a cardigan, and a pair of shorts. We were just about to leave when we passed my mom saw a bikini that caught her eye. She dragged me in with her, forcing me to wait as she tried it on.

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