10 {Ten}

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**2 Years Later**

Chris sat in the house and stare and the miniature box, nervous as Fuck. Tonight was the big night. He himself could believe he was going to ask her to marry him.

"Will she say no? Will she say yes?" Chris said to himself. Maurice walked in at the same time and answered Chris' question, "Dude she has to, she's pregnant. "She's what?!??!" "Yea, Crystal told me. Oh shit, you didn't know yet. She's probably gonna break the news to you the same time u pop the question."

Chris was happy but overwhelmed. He may have been financially ready for another child but was he emotionally ready. He was also happy. The love of his life was carrying his second child. he was nervous to ask anymore.

"How's your daughter bro?" Maurice asked. "She's growing healthy. How's my goddaughter?" Bro, she is going incredible but some advice father to father, Get a shotgun. You gotta make these boys shit their pants so don't break your baby girl's heart. "M, she's 15 months. Your daughter's only 6 months old and you bought a shotgun to protect her from boys already?" "It's never too early." Maurice chuckled and left.

Meanwhile, Kae was worried about how Chris would react. He already had a child with Selina. What would he say about another baby so soon?

"Crystal, I'm scared." Kae said while holding her stomach. "Kae, you have nothing to worry about. We know Chris. He loves kids especially his own. You see how he is with Kayla. He loves that little girl."

Kae smiled. "I hope I get a boy. Always wanted a Baby boy." "You don't seem too excited, Kae. What's wrong?" Kae sighed and told Crystal about her abortion at 16. She said how she was forced into it by the baby's father and always felt disgusted and disappointed in herself for letting him murder her child. "Did you tell Chris?" "No, I never told him. I didn't want him to be disgusted with me. I wanted him to love me." "Kae, Chris loves you no matter what. Tell him tonight but do it before you tell him you're pregnant." "Crystal, I'm so happy right now. I'm in love with it already."

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