20 {Twenty}

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**6 Months Later**

It's turned out that Kayla was in fact Chris' daughter but it was too late. Selina was gone. The babies were growing fine. They looked just like Chris but had Kae's eyes. Chris And Kae decided to raise Kayla as Kae's daughter also. Kayla had no family connecting to her birth mother. Her uncle Stevie killed himself shortly after his mother's death and they never had a father. Kayla was growing into a lovely little girl. She was beautiful just like her mother.

It was the day of their wedding. Finally. They were getting married. They were getting ready to get this wedding going. "Bro, isn't it amazing how I met Crystal after you met Kae and we've been married a year now?" Maurice joked. "Yea cause she wouldn't give up that coochie till you wifed her up." Chris responded.

"You believe that story?" Crystal said laughing. "That's the story for the boys. I gave it to him on our two month anniversary and he loved it. Wanted to marry me that day but I kept him waiting a year." Chris laughed at Maurice being all lovestruck and shit. "Oh. I came to tell y'all we're ready when you are." Crystal said leaving.

"Bro, you ready?" Maurice asked. "Since I met her bro." Chris responded. " aite, Lets do this."

Chris And Maurice made their way to the altar where they met up with the other groomsmen.

After a couple minutes passed, the wedding song began playing and everyone stood up and looked to the door. There she was. Kae looking as beautiful as ever. All eyes were on her. The eyes on Chris was hers. When she reached the altar, she greeted Chris And mouthed the words "I Love you baby." Chris responded with a smile "I love you too."

A/N: And just like that Its over. 20 Chapters. Most of them short And I apologize. this was my first. I know how short chapters irk yall. Check out Please Stay. it's my other fanfiction and btw a sequel to The One is in the works. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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