Why i hate Bella Swan!

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My rambling:

I HATE Bella Swan.. she is a big ass Mary Sue and so B.O.R.I.N.G. Its poorly written and the plot is boring.

She runs from Edward to Jacob.. and then to Edward again. When Edward left her in New Moon i thought she'll move and forget about him.. But no she did not. She became all emo when Edward left her, constantly sulking and crying in a chair for like 4 months. Come on Bella get over him man! It's for your own best he left you. 4 Months after Edward left she ran directly to Jacob, spent a few months with him until she got too emo and jumped of a cliff just to hear Edward's voice. Alice came back for her because of her vision, and then the rest of the cullens came back and she ran back to Edward again.. leaving Jacob jealous and heartbroken.

She only loves her Edward because of his appearance and Edward only loves her because she smells good.. There is no love at all in their relationship it's only appearance and scent (maybe).

Bella has no personality at all and Edward has no personality either.. They must be boring.

Bella only wanted Edward because of his apperance, (i know i already wrote that once) and as soon she found out him and his whole family were vampires she wanted to be a vampire too.. And then she wanted him for SEX and his oh-so-perfect apperance.

She is complaining all the time.. "Ooh it's so rainy all the time" and "Ooh it's too green and rainy and boring".. She is even complaining when people are trying to be nice to her. She even complained when her dad gave her a gift on her own birthday. + When the Cullens or should i say Alice threw a birthday party she was complaining about that too. WHY! WHY? Why can't she just be happy that people are trying to be nice to her. She is a complaining b#tch enough said.

Because she wanted to be a vampire so damn much was like "Edward! Change me!".... "Change me! Change me! She even asked poor Carlisle to change her if Edward didn't. In the last book/movie she even said "I was born to be a vampire"  like heck no you are not. You NEVER were.

She is so selfish, she only want what she wants and doesn't care about everybody else around her. Its about her her her and her only!

She isn't really nice to anyone. When she started in school Mike and other people tried to be nice to her. When Mike asked her if she needed help she just shrugged it off and i was like "No!No! i don't need your help" she sees him as an annoying dog that just follows her around. There was actually a lot of people who wanted to be friends with her.. She just kind of used them (if you know what i mean) just to run away and get married with Edward, have (hot vampire) sex w. him so she get's pregnant with that thing (i'll come to that part in another chapter or later in that chapter). Why in hell did you skip college man? It's awesome.. but she's so stupid not to realize that.

When it comes to her family she is acting mean.. There isn't a big father daughter relationship between them. She is like "I'm the adult in the house" and "Charlie can't cook" and so on. She chose Edward and the immortal life as a vampire over her friends and family.. Yet again she is selfish.

When we are talking about Sex Bella wants to have sex with mr. sparkly fairy (almost) all the time. For example when they kissed for the first time Bella tried so hard to get Edward to have sex with her. And also when Edward asked Bella to be his wife she tried to get him to f#ck her too. Two times she tried and 2 times she failed.

When Bella got engaged to Edward, and she kissed Jacob in the third movie/book.. Thats just not how it works Bella. You don't get engaged and then to out and have a full make out with somebody else. Engagement's don't work that way. + Edward even experienced it when reading mr. pedowolf's mind.

Bella never asked Edward about his hobbies and interests.. So Bella barley know him and the reader barley know his (Edward) and her (Bella) interets. She barley knew him for half a year and even decided she was soooo in wuv with him already after 4 conversations.

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