Part 12

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Once I got to our hide out I noticed Masky wasn't there. Looking up at the sun I calculated what time it was- a skill I'd learned from being a proxy. "Alright, so I'm a little earlier than I anticipated" I thought to myself.
Looking around, I could tell Masky had been keeping this place up. It wasn't overgrown with weeds, the grass was cut and bright green, the tree bloomed with it's large white flowers, the air was warmer than the rest of the forest, and there was no wind- not even a breeze. In short, it was beautifully breath taking.
"Do you like it?"
"It beautiful. Did you do all of this?"
"Yeah, I didn't want to forget all our time here together" he answered sheepishly. "Did you put a barrier up or something" I asked him curiously. "Oh, yeah I did. It's the same kind that's around the mansion" he told me. I could tell he was proud of himself and happy I noticed.
We talked all day, again, about little things. What life was like, what made us laugh, how much we'd changed, how stupid Jeff still was for pissing Merlot off every morning, Slenderman really cracking down on some of his other proxies, and overall just completely random topics you'd only talk about to your best friend.
"So when do you plan to go killing again?"
"Soon I suppose. Depends on how long Slenderman waits to give us orders. I love scaring people mostly so I'm sure I'll do that again real soon."
"You know he hates when you scare but don't kill the victims, right?"
"Ah who cares what he thinks. I kill them later anyway."
"You really haven't changed" he chuckled as he spoke. I smiled looking up into the branches of the magnolia. We'd perched ourselves on a large, low branch. "Masky, what's your real name" I questioned. "Why would you want to know that" he returned. "Well, you know mine. I won't use it in front of anyone, just here when it's just you and me" I might as well have been begging to know. "Touché. My name's Timothy, Tim for short." (I hope that's right, it's been a long time.)
"We should head back. It's getting dark."
"That never stopped us before."
"It's a new rule kinda. Most of us don't listen to it here and Slederman usually lets it slide but it's safer in the mansion than out."
"Zalgo. He wants all of us dead. He's even after the residents of the other two mansions and Offenderman."
"That's pretty bold of him. Are we not able to fight back or something?"
"We're working on it but we can't yet, no."
"Huh. Well, maybe now that Merlot and I are back we can get ready faster."
"That's the plan. The two of you used to work terribly together though. Everyone is surprised that the two of you are even friends."
"It's mostly because of you and Hoodie. You and him are like peacekeepers" I chuckled.
We walked and talked our way back to the mansion. "Why don't you guys get together already" Ben asked with a smirk as Masky held the door open for me. "Thank the lord for this damn mask" was what I thought, "Ah, go fuck yourself" was what I said. Ben rolled his eyes and walked off.

Hey everyone I know it's been so long. I've missed this app and all you readers out there. I hope you like this next part guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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