Married to a Monster

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My white heels scuffed against the red carpet lining the floor of the church hall. I looked at my feet, white rose petals seasoned the well polished wooden floor. The small children ran around, throwing red and white rose petals beside me. I bit my lip, knowing if have to provide children like them to my soon to be husband. I felt my eyes water as I thought about it. We certainly don't love each other. Her majesty personally asked our families to wed us. Though, there were some complications and we're having an early marriage. My father is Lord Victor Greer, a rich English lord. My mother is Marie Greer. I was born in England and our family is based here. My family name is Greer, I am Lady Sadie Greer. The boy I'm marrying is Lord Alois Trancy. He's a horrible man. He's disrespected me numerous times in the short length of time that I've known him. His common words for me are 'mutt', 'dog' or even 'pig'. He'll openly slap me in front of guests, he forces me to act and dress as a maid at certain times. He's made sexual jokes and comments about me in front of guests. He'll grab my hair in public, he'll even on occasion call me a slut. I was forced out of my thoughts when I heard the irritated sound of my fiancé clearing his throat. I looked up at him, shaking gently. His pale face was contorted in anger, his icy blue eyes were slanted angrily his lips were stretched in a frustrated frown. I flashed an apologetic look, I knew it was no use. I'd be getting that typhoon of horrible names later.
"Thank you, thank you... Now that we are all here, are you prepared to become one?"
The priest asked, Alois held his hand out in front of him. I sheepishly took it, not looking at him but I could feel his eyes dig into me like a sword.
"Yes, I am. Darling?"
Alois spoke blandly, I gulped quietly and nodded.
"Y-yes, of course..!"
I stuttered out, I'd get a slap for that one. Alois tightened his grip on my hand, I bit back a gasp and looked forward at the priest. Father Matthew, our priest, looked at us oddly. He seemed to know that something was wrong with us. I just shook my head slowly at him, he gave me a grim apologetic look then continued.
"Good, now let's begin."
"You may kiss the bride."
Then it happened, as Trancy pressed his lips against mine, my heart raced miles a second.
I was now married.
I couldn't believe it.
I knew Alois didn't love me, but I was somewhat happy. My heart felt like it was surrounded by bubbles and butterflies. My heart beat fast against his rock hard chest. For a split second, I could feel love for him. I felt as if our souls were intertwined, I loved it. I noticed I had wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands wrapped around my waist, his hands resting at my hips. I finally had my wedding day, whether it was him or any other boy I was happy. My cheeks erupted into reds and pinks as I looked into his cold eyes. Though, as all things do, it had to end. Our gaze was broken when he growled and dragged me down the aisle. I stumbled after him, giving one last hopeless glance to my parents as my new husband pulled me down the steps to the church.
"For god's sake, hurry up, you useless cluts."
He hissed angrily, he tugged me into the carriage and I saw Claude at the front holding the reins. His golden eyes pierced me, his thin smirk seemed to shake me to the core. He had a top hat on his purplish black locks. I knew he was incognito, it would trick anyone that paid him no mind. Though I had visited the Trancy manor many times, I knew his face. I sat down on the dark purple cushions of the carriage in front of Alois. He looked bored, his legs crossed properly. His elbow propped on the window sill of the carriage, his other hand rested in his lap. I, on the other hand, held my hands in my lap. My head dipped down as not to annoy him. I heard a sigh and the rustling of fabric. Before I could even think I felt a firm hand wrap it's way around my wrist, where I was pulled into Alois's lap.
"At least pretend that you show me any affection at all."
He spoke boredly, my cheeks burst in color to contrast my very pale clear skin. I leaned against him and closed my eyes, his arm soon found its way around my waist. I found myself falling asleep on Alois's chest. It was comforting to hear the soft gentle thumping of his heart. Before I knew it, I was pulled away by the clutches of slumber.
I heard a little boys voice yell, I turned and saw a little boy with platinum blonde hair. He looked almost exactly like Alois, but his hair had a blinder tint to it. I smiled at the young child and got on my knees, leveling our eyes.
"What is it, sweetheart?"
My voice sounded happy and sugary, the boy looked happy too.
"Daddy's chasing me!!"
He squealed, as soon as the cute words left his lips, a slightly older Alois came bolting around the corner. I was surprised, he looked like he was about eighteen maybe nineteen. He looked really attractive, making me blush. He ran to the boy and scooped him up.
'Is this... Our son..?'
I wondered, Alois smiled at me. He looked really happy. I'd never seen him so happy before, he was never happy in my presence. He kissed my cheek and held the child closer.
"How is my young son?"
Alois asked smiling wider, his 'son' giggled and said.
"I am doing great, father!"
Alois wrapped his free arm around my waist.
"And how is my lovely wife?"
He asked charmingly, I smiled and nodded.
"Amazing, my darling."
I soothingly spoke, Alois leaned down and I could feel the presence of his lips almost touching mine...
I was shaken awake, before we could kiss. I sighed and stretched, Alois stood and helped me out of the carriage. I smiled respectfully at him, he looked away but he seemed to be lost in a train of thought. He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the manor, following the looming shadow of Claude Faustus.

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