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Jacks POV - 9:30

"Unkewl jack jack, will we make it in time? I don't want mr pengy to be sad because I forgwotted him," Sydney cried, her restlessness getting the better of her without her stuffed toy.

"Yeah don't worry honey, we're almost there look? We can run in quickly, get him and before you know it we'll be back at nannas," I smiled back at her quickly. The boys will be landing anytime soon, giving me plenty of time to complete the task of saving mr pengy from the depth of loneliness.

Lily's POV - 9:45

"So, um why the fuck is this so difficult?" I laughed nervously, rubbing my hands together before intertwining my fingers and turning back to face Luke who sat on the end of the bed waiting patiently for me to start.

"Well I have no idea, I'd try and help you out but since I'm not sure what you're trying to say I can't... can you maybe give me a clue? Or a starting point?" Luke was trying to help with the limited suggestions he had bless his heart.

But I knew deep down that there was nothing no one could do to help me here, I had to calm my anxiety and start at the very beginning like Luke said. I needed to do this, for Sydney.

Jacks POV - 9:50

When I finally arrived, pulling up outside the block I sighed, we'd made it and now all we had to do was grab Pengy and drive back to mums.

Jumping out the car and picking the tiny girl out of her car seat, she happily led the way, skipping ahead to the entrance and on to the lift doors.

Lillys POV - 9:54

"Umm ok, so you know how before you left, we you know?" I nodded my head awkwardly not wanting to actually out right say 'sex' in our first official conversation.

"Aha yeah, I remember. It's hard not to, definitely one of the best days of my life," Luke was flushing now, clearly recalling the night in his head as was I.

"Well I uh," I coughed, attempting to move the matter forward and get to the point.

You know, the three year old?

"Well uh, I mean, umm about that night, well we kinda," I exhaled shakily, it was suddenly becoming very hot in here and my focus was wondering, "I um what I'm trying to tell you is..."

Jacks POV - 9:56

Sydney ran up to her door, desperately tip toeing trying to reach the handle but she was still too short, I chuckled before pulling out Lily's spare key among my own and inserted it, only to find it's already unlocked as I pulled the handle.

"Sydney wait!" I shouted, reaching out for her to pull her back but it's was no use as Sydney ran happily inside, freezing once she sees Michael.

"Unkewl Mikel!" The little girl screamed happily, running over and jumping into his arms. Who seems ridiculously happy to finally be meeting Sydney but his horrified reaction mirrored mine at the fact we were all here and sooner or later-

"Hey guys is there a bottle of water around here somewhere for Lily? She's struggling with whatever she needs to tell me and I real-" Luke didn't get a chance to finish his sentence though, because everyone's worst fear became a reality once Sydney laid her eyes on him.


Sydney - Luke Hemmings (completed)Where stories live. Discover now