I Forgive You

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Tord explained everything. Well, only the important things. After an hour of talking, Tom realized it was getting late.

"Uh... It's getting really dark, so I should head home." Tom said in a quiet voice. "If you need a place to stay... You could... come with me?"

"That would be for the best. Besides, I don't really have a place to live right now. Thank you."

Tom smiled softly and got up. His black eyesockets closed, feeling the cold fall breeze hitting his face. He was finally at peace after The End. Tord followed him, and they soon made it to Toms small apartment.

"I can sleep on the couch. Thank you, Tom."

"Well, the couch is torn up and burnt. So you'll have to sleep in my room. Besides, it is king size. We should both fit." Tom said, his voice scratchy from crying. Tord nodded, and followed Tom to his bed. They put on pj's and crawled into the bed. They said each others goodnights, and they drifted to sleep.

Tord woke up, sweating bullets. He had a terrible nightmare, that he actually did kill Tom. He put his face in his hands and sighed, which woke Tom up. Tom looked up at Tord and softly spoke.

"Are you okay?"

Tord, startled, nodded with wide eyes. Tom knew he wasnt, and wrapped his arms around Tords neck and hugged him. Tord blushed and welcomed the embrace. He took it a step further, and kissed Toms cheek. Tom returned the favor and plopped back down on the bed, bringing Tord with him. They snuggled up close, with Tord being the big spoon of course, and drifted off to sleep. Before Tord closed his eyes, he heard Tom whisper.

"I forgive you"

Word count: 295

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