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A steady beeping rings in my right ear and my body feels weak. A binding light flares overhead, shining directly in my eyes. I squint and wince, trying to escape the white light.I jerk my head to the side and shut my eyes. I wait for a minute then open them.
I find myself staring at a large white wall with a blue door, four black chairs, a table, and a vase of tulips lining it.
I turn my head all the way to the the right and see a painting of roses, two black chairs, a small rolling cart with creepy tools, and a heart monitor.
A large machine buzzes behind me and my nose and mouth feel funny. I reach up and find tubes connected to my nose. My mouth feels dry as cotton and my skin is rough.
I raise my hands to my face and try to make out what they look like against the light behind it, but my eyes keep watering.
Aggravated, I reach it toward the light and shove. My hand connects with a piece of metal and the light is pushed from my eyes.
Satisfied, I look at my arms. Long, clean, white bandages by cover them up to my palms and down to my shoulder.
I pinch my arms and try to see if they work but I feel nothing. I tighten my hands and loosen them, repeating this until I can calm down and focus again.
I lower my arms and look around the room. It's quiet and calm, but too much white. White walls. White tile. White lights.
I attempt to sit up but my chest is bound down to whatever bed I'm on. I look around for something that might release the strap. Suddenly, a small button catches my eye. It's yellow and on the front says, PUSH FOR NURSE.
I reach over and tap it with my index finger. A small ding comes from it and I wait.
I try to remember what happened before this or how I got here. I've already concluded that I'm currently in a hospital, but I don't know why or how.
A sudden screech snaps me back to reality. I jump in surprise and accidentally rip out the tube in my nose. Pain spreads through it and I groan, reaching out and clutching my throbbing face.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! Here let me help you," I hear a voice say.
A woman's face looms into view. She has blonde hair, brown eyes, freckles, and a worried expression on her face.
her hands work fluently at my face and the throbbing stops. The tube's set aside and she looks back at me again.
"Do you want to sit up?" she asks.
I nod and she pulls at something on my side. I feel the tight thing holding me down go loose and I slowly sit up onto my elbows.
I wince in pain as my arms throb painfully.
"Careful," the nurse whispers and I sit up against and stack of pillows behind my head.
I look down at myself for a bit then look up. I realize instead of a wall in front of me, it's a white curtain. It must have made a screech when the doctor entered.
The nurse checks my vitals and asks if I'm stable enough to walk.
What am I? Paralyzed?
I nod and sheets me get up, unhooking the tubes on my arms and legs then help oh be me swingy legs over the edge, my feet making contact with the cold tile floor.
"Take it easy Amara, don't move around too much," the nurse warns buy I ignore her.
Each movement I make causes my head to throb but I don't tell her that. I just want to get outta here.
I slowly stand up and walk around the room. The nurse watches me with caution and I study the tulips in the vase.
I walk back to the bed and sit on it.
My head pounds like a hammer and I can't help but wince.
The nurse notices and hands me a pill and water. I take the pill and lay down. I sigh, suddenly very tired. I yawn and the nurse scribbles something down on a piece of paper.
"I guess I'll have to reschedule the appointment to 6:00. Your a bit tired today. That was a hard hit to the head you had there," the nurse mutters.
I try to make sense of what she said but before I can pester myself any longer, I fall back to sleep.

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