The End

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I never knew the courthouse was so big. The dome on the ceiling made it look as if it was ten million feet high. The chairs were endless rows and the judge and jury were the pretty terrifying, staring down at you like that.
There's a lot of questions and breaks. Sometimes the pauses between conversations were too long. But I couldn't focus on anything. My mom kept glaring at me from behind. I could feel her eyes burning holes through the back of my neck.
After the trial ended, mom was sentenced to twelve years of imprisonment for child abuse. I was taken back to the hospital to make sure I could get by on my own and the doctors gave me a little package of cleaning gel and told me to use it each night before bed.
I never payed attention though. My brain was empty and my heart was dead. They sent me home and said I should be alright on my own. And if I needed anything, they spoke to the neighbors and they said it would be fine if I stayed awhile.
I rejected their offer though. I didn't want anyone with me right now. I just wanted my parents back. My REAL parents. The ones that don't hurt me and are alive.
The next morning a group of the neighbors children pick me up from the hospital. They take me home where Nita sits on the porch, playing chess with an young boy.
I grab my stuff and haul it out, dragging it to the front door. I suddenly recognize Jake. He smiles at me and stands up.
When he sees my tear soaked face, his smile faded.
"Amara I'm so sorry about your mother. I wish I would've known," he says quietly.
That does it.
I burst into tears and fall to my knees on the porch, crying.
Jake pulls me into a hug and Nita wraps her arms around my neck. We sit here for a while then I pull away. Nita wipes her nose and Jake pulls her into his lap.
I smile at her and grab her hand.
"Come on, let's go inside. It's a bit chilly," I say. She stands up and we walk inside. Jake stays in the doorway and smiles at me sadly.
I nudge Nita and point to the kitchen.
"Hey how about you go get some money and we can walk to Jackson's to get some chocolate ice cream," I grin at her.
She jumps in the air and runs full speed down the hall.
I chuckle and turn back to Jake.
I step forward until I'm standing right in front of him.
"Thanks for being there for me," I say. He nods and I look back at the setting sun.
"Can you stay?" I ask hopefully.
He shrugs.
"Possibly. My parents aren't home yet,"
He replies.
I grin and look down.
"You know, you're pretty light for your age," I tease. He blushes and shrugs.
"Eh," he chuckles.
I shake my head and take his hand in mine, pulling him into the house and smiling at him. Nita comes into the living room with my wallet.
"Lets go lets go! Come on!" She yells.
We laugh and each take one of her hands. Together we walk down the street, not a worry in the world

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