Honestly, you can do better

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The next day I ran to catch up with Chris. "Hey Christen. How's it going?" I asked as we walked to Chemistry class. "I'm just tired." She answered and before I could say anything she spoke again. "Me and Vero had like not a fight, an argument. When maybe a fight. She just, ugh. I don't think it was my fault. I didn't do anything. She's the one getting mad over stupid stuff. Literally all I was doing was standing there and some random boy came and asked for my number. How is that my fault? Ugh. She started saying I was flirting back with him and all this other bullshit. For one that boy was horric. As in gross. And two I would never give someone my number like that. Three, she apparently is blind af. Because after all these damn months of dating she hasn't noticed that I do fucking love her and wouldn't dare to cheat on her. But whatever. To me it's sad that she has yet to notice. How in love I am it's her and also that I'm not the type of person to fuck around and not take a relationship seriously. Btw that wasn't a dig at you.." My first thought was wow. Wtf do I say now. I had to come up with something quick. She was looking at me waiting for me to speak and so I did. "You
can do better than Vero. Trust me. She gets mad over nothing. It's not your fault you're attractive and yep she's super blind to not notice all these things. You need someone who will understand you, completely. Who won't question your loyalty to them." I wanted to keep going and tell her that I'm in love with her and I would never get mad over something like that. Instead it's more like a compliment. If some dude can come up to my attractive girlfriend, I know I did something well. She responded fairly quickly but it was short. "Yeah, you're right. Sadly, I feel like me and her are too deep to break up. But anyways good luck today on the test. I heard it's hard. Bye, Tobin" and she waved me off as she walked into Mrs. Harris 4th period Advanced Chemistry class. Like always I had forgotten we had a test today. I wasn't as worried as christen though. I took regular chemistry. Where it's nice and slow. Still I knew I was probably going to fail. Which I found out the next day I did. But so did everyone else. The highest grade being a 70, and well I made a 40.

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