The Truth Will Come Out

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Hannah's phone rang suddenly. It was Jess. Hannah let it go to voicemail

"Hey, it's Jess. I was wandering if before school you and Flynn could meet me at my locker? I have something to tell you."

Hannah and I looked at each other hoping she was going  to tell us why she was being so suspicious.

Hannah and I walked back to my house. We sat down on my bed and turned on Scream Queens. Us 3 and Katherine always loved horror shows. Katherine was always so fascinated. Halfway through the episode I paused it. 

"Do you think Jess killed Katherine?" I asked Hannah.

"What the fuck, no. She would never do something like that, like ever."

"Well, why is she being so suspicious?" I asked.

"Look, i'm going to go home. I will see you in the morning with Jess."

Hannah left and I laid on my bed thinking about what Jess would tell us tomorrow. I eventually fell asleep and then I woke up to my alarm at 6:09. 

I arrived at school to see Jess at my locker.

"What did you want to tell us?" I asked

"ME AND DEREK ARE DATING!" Jess said excitedly.

great,  I thought to myself. Another thing I have to worry about.

"Hey, on the weekend come over to my house. I need some advise." Jess said.

"Okay, sure, can't wait. Is Hannah coming?"

"Uh, no. I just want to spend time with you."

Jess and I walked off to science, the only class Derek wasn't in with us. We always sat beside each other and Hannah always managed to squeeze in between us. Hannah could be annoying but she was my best friend. The bell rang to go to lunch and Hannah still wasn't here. Jess and I walked behind my locker and sat on the steps.

"Hey, I haven't asked you this but how are you coping with the whole Katherine thing?" I asked.

"I mean, I guess i'm fine. We weren't as close as you two were but I miss her I guess."

After that Jess shut the conversation down and I thought nothing of it. The bell rang to go home after classes and Hannah still wasn't around.

Hannah called me straight after school.

"Flynn, you need to come over right now. It is really important."

I texted my mum and told her I had to go out to see Jess down the road and I left for Hannah's. It was a long walk but it was worth it in the end. Hannah told me to come through the back so her sister wouldn't know I was there.

"Okay, so I totally think Jess killed Katherine. She sent me this voicemail saying that I have to stop following her around and to stay clear of her or she will 'hurt' me. Does she mean kill me or hurt me?"

I couldn't believe what I just heard.

"Maybe she was just angry. Or she might just hate people following her?"

I had no clue what to do. Hannah couldn't hang out with us anymore and now I have to pretend to be nice to her. I'm in a tough situation but all I can do is just try to figure out the truth.

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