Scene 1

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"Leaving already, sir?"

"Ah yea... I have plans later this evening, remember Kumori-sensei?" Daichi explained with a kind smile to his secretary, Kozume, who nodded with a smile. "I trust you can take care of the rest?" At the other man's nod, Daichi turned to grab his briefcase and coat, heading out the door.

He worked as chief of the editorial section in his publishing house. The deadline for the printers was in a week, but the current main client this time was, luckily, one to stay on task. All the major last minute work for the book had been done, and each section of the house was done with their work on the majorly anticipated work. It left the small team Daichi led with a couple days of laze and peace at work.

Daichi walked out of the building with a small smile painted on his lips. He didn't usually leave the hustle bustle of his workplace with a smile, but today was different.

He was meeting a certain someone for a date.

It had been a while since he went on a date, let alone had time for one. He was a busy man after all.

It started about a month ago; he'd met the man through work, unsurprisingly. One of his editors, Akaashi, had been out ill that day, and his author was suffering to complete his chapters by the deadline, having found himself caught in a web of writers' block.

Daichi was the only other person acquainted with the man in his firm, so he found it fit that he would just visit himself. Apparently, he and the author, Kumori-sensei, got along much better than he first anticipated.

Of course, like most blind dorks, Daichi never went too far, or took too much action to see the other. He simply stayed at; 'I like you, you're a really good person, let's get together sometime, but let me disregard my feelings for now.'

It was last week where they were doing a bit of review and questioning for his work, that Daichi brought up the question.

"Would you like to meet up sometime? Not for work, personally?"

He worked up the courage, and to his luck, the other said yes. He made the dinner reservations himself, at a nice, affordable, classy restaurant.

In short, he was in a good mood for his soon to happen date.

Driving back to his apartment building, he walked into the elevator, pushing the button for the twelfth floor.

He took a quick shower and put on more casual, yet still neat clothing. He slung a coat over his arm as well.

It was approaching seven on a fall evening after all, once the sun fully set, the chill would set in a lot more. He was lost in thought as he begun the drive to the restaurant.

It had been too long since he had a decent night with another, let alone have a lover. It was difficult for him to find men who would want a long-term relationship, not to mention he wasn't the very best at romance to begin with.

He used to try a lot harder at relationships in the previous year. He really wanted to find someone, someone he could settle down with. He was a big fan of the 'coming home to loving boyfriend/husband' or 'greeting the loving boyfriend/husband' lifestyle.

He simply loved having someone to be grounded with, someone to fill up the space in his lonely arms.

To this day, he'd never experienced as such, despite attempts. He'd had girlfriends before realizing his attraction to males. That's when he tried boyfriends.

None of them stayed with him.

Some of them would find a girl to settle down with, and he'd be the one getting dumped. Others were only experimenting what it would be like doing it with a guy, so if Daichi ever worked up the courage to see them again, he'd be turned down, and feel humiliated for even thinking it could happen.

Sleep in my Lonely Arms Tonight (Daisuga- Haikyuu Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now