Scene 2

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"Sawamura, how high of an alcohol tolerance do you have?" Sugawara asked, raising his eyebrows.

Daichi looked offended. "Suga, honey, this is only the third glass, I'll be fine." He resisted the urge to laugh at Sugawara's expression when he heard him say 'honey.'

They were eating dessert now, both of them chose to have cheesecake. Sugawara explained that he skipped out on dessert before, so he still wanted to have some the second time around.

"I'm on my second glass and am already feeling it, how are you still good?" The wine was strong, and he had a high tolerance, but he was already feeling the effect of it on him and he started to loosen the reigns on things he said.

Daichi put down his glass and leaned forward. "Magic." He whispered playfully. Sugawara didn't hold back an amused laugh.

The date had gone so much better than planned. Fifty minutes ago, Daichi was feeling terrible about himself, but the moment Sugawara showed up, everything got so much better.

Once their meals had arrived, they both ate and spoke to each other comfortably. Sugawara was so easy to talk to, in Daichi's opinion. Anything Daichi said, Sugawara always had a response, whether it was a question, or a statement, he never let silence waver over them.

Taking another bite of the sweet dessert in front of him, he started up another conversation. "So, Sawamura," He began.


"So, you're an editor at a publishing house, right?" He asked, confirming Daichi's previous statements.

Daichi nodded with a smile. "Yea, I... Well I'm kind of the head of my section..." He added quietly, humbly.

Sugawara's face lit up at that. "Oh that's so cool..." He commented, more to himself than Daichi. "How does publishing a book work?"

Daichi was a bit surprised at the question, no one is ever interested in how publishing works, it's not a very interesting topic. "You don't have to be that polite Suga, I don't want to bore you with the prospect, tell me about what you do instead," Daichi offered kindly. He was more than interested to hear about this fascinating person's life than talking about his own bland one.

Sugawara smiled at the offer, but he wasn't backing down, he was truly interested in the process, having read a large deal of literature in his life. "Well, I'm an art history professor, so I enjoy my stories too, tell me about you first Sawamura." He said it kindly, made it sound like a proposition, but something in his voice told Daichi he had to talk or Sugawara would turn on him.

On instinct, his hand went to the back of his neck to try and subside some nerves. "Well uh, from a manuscript to having a hardcover or paperback on store shelves is actually a much longer process than I'm going to make it seem," He began, Sugawara already looked interested, something Daichi never experienced before.

It had been so long since someone was interested in him, let alone his job, shameless to admit so, but he was honestly getting more and more excited about Sugawara each passing minute. "Usually we have agents send us manuscripts that have a chance at selling, anything with potential. Once the actual writing and editing for the chosen works are done, it's up to publications to make it aesthetically appealing."

Sugawara cut in with a comment then, enthusiastic about the topic. "Hardcovers are much more fun than paperback, aren't they?"

Daichi laughed at the question. "Yea, they really are, I have to work with publications sometimes and honestly, designing a hardcover is so much more appealing." He admitted with a smile.

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