~2~ I'm Not After Him, I'm After His Ramen

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I'm Not After Him, I'm After His Ramen (Chapter 2)

(was previously titled: The Day Asians Invaded My Life) eh, I felt like the title didn't fit so I changed it >_<. Bear with me... it'll all make sense in the next to next chapter ;). So I'll shut up now and go on with the story then...

Chloe's POV:

For a while I just sat there, on the edge of the bathtub, thinking. So what now, I asked myself. Am I going to just go back to everyone else and accept Cameron's' proposal? He's actually not too bad of a guy, ok he's perfect and seriously how many guys pop up like this in a lifetime? But accepting his proposal would be like giving into my parents. Am I going to be that weak?

Okay no. Scrap all of that and just throw it all out of the window. Let's think this through Chloe. You're sixteen, you're in no shape to be someone's wife.

It's crazy talk. 

How about we just go down and tell Cameron that we should take it slow and just go out on a couple of dates? Nothing wrong with that, right?

Suddenly outside of my window I could hear the sound of someone talking outside, but barely. "Yeah...relax...trick...easy money...Chloe."

I stand up at the sound of my own name, confused and heard another voice clearly just as the other one stopped, my fathers' voice most definitely. "Cameron! Come on boy, you're losing her! You were supposed to get her to marry you and not run like a headless chicken!"

Tears sting in my eyes as I learned the dirty truth. This whole was a huge lie and Cameron was a huge fake. I looked out of the window checking if anyone was there and could see the golden gleam that was Cameron's' hair disappearing slowly out of my view.

I can't believe I fell for his stupid act! And just a second ago I was actually considering saying yes! Why am I so fucking gullible? I will myself not to cry, I'm not going to shed a single tear for that lie! It's not even about Cameron, it's just that I can't go on having my parents lie to me all the time, they're supposed to be the people that I can trust, not trust to lie to me.

I washed my face with icy water hoping to calm myself down and started thinking of a plan to escape all of this madness.

I slipped out of my dress and into a black tank top, black jeans and a baggy hoodie, grabbed my iPod and opened the window over my Jacuzzi. I pull one leg out to the window and snuck a peak down.

Big mistake because as soon as I looked down I realized that my room was on the third floor and that if I dared to jump it was possible that some major bones could be broken, a big no no for me.

I hesitated, biting my lip and tighten my grip on the window. Am I really going to jump? No, I thought, the better question should be, am I going to stay in this hellhole and have my life torn apart right in front of me? I whisper the answer, "hell no," and close my eyes tightly pushing off.

OOMF! I opened one eye whimpering silently and then opened the other slowly." Ohmigawd!" I whispered to myself, "I'm still alive!" I jump up and wince cursing silently and rubbing my sore butt.

My sorry ass could only take so much in a day!

I quickly recovered and ran to the other side of the house into the garage and stepped inside of my black Bentley Continental Convertible and backed out into the driveway. I drove as fast as I could with the windows down, feeling the wind in my hair. It felt so good to be free, I thought as I drove out of the city and near the beach.

I pull my car up to the nearest parking spot and got out, walking onto the soft sand. I  picked a spot to lay down on far from wherever the waves could soak me. I sank my hands into the shifty sand and looked up, staring at the bright stars, thinking.

Thinking about Cameron. I mean how could he do this to me? I bet my parents offered him money but still why would he throw his life away to get married at such a young age and only to make a couple of bucks! I took my iPod out of my pocket and put on my ear buds, listening to Be My Escape by Reliant K as I closed my eyes slowly, thinking about that bastard Cameron.

Cameron's POV:

"I still can't believe I'm doing this," I muttered opening and closing the soft velvet box in my hand. I was sitting on the swing where Chloe just was, regretting every choice I made until now. "Boy! You better convince her if you want the money!" I hear Mr. Sirus yell, his face turning crimson with anger.

So, I'm supposedly marrying into this lovely family huh? I look over at Mrs. Sirus or Denise as she wants me to call her. She's always giving Chloe such mean stares. Poor girl, Chloe I mean, what did she do to deserve all of this shit? Mr. Sirus was fuming and giving me crap about my proposal which I'm not even going to go through anymore. This has gone far enough and money doesn't even matter anymore. I'm not trading my freedom for a few extra bucks. 

Richard and Sarah aren't even my real parents, just actors. My real "parent" sent me here when he heard that their "lovely" friends would offer a fortune if I married their daughter, even enough to get him out of debt.

I only agreed so I would never have to see or get beaten by that filthy bastard ever again, I thought as I softly traced the lines on my arm with my fingers. I winced as I remembered what happened just before I left that miserable place.

"CAMERON!" my dad slurred yelling at me as he walked in the front door with a bang, drunk probably, "get down here NOW!" I was studying peacefully, somthing you wouldn't expect a guy like me to be doing on my nights but unlike other kids at my low-life high school, I care about an education.

It's the only thing that can get me out of this place. 

I wasn't much for socializing anyways. Everybody as my ghetto high school was self-absorbed and on drugs. Parties were lame and always ended with a stupid rager and setting a house on fire was not my idea of a fun friday night.

Slamming my text book, I got up and paused. Might as well equip myself. I reached for the unused knife laid ever-so-casually at the end of my desk.

I walked out of my room with one hand in my pocket clutching the knife and took a deep breath looking at the nightmare I'm supposed to call a father.

I mumbled, "What do you want," giving him a blank stare. He yelled with a strong stench coming out of his mouth that smelled like scotch. "Is that how you talk to your father?" he screamed as his hand made contact with my cheek, leaving it red and burning. Unfazed, I gave him a blank stare adamant on not letting him win.

He took something out of his pocket and threw it at me. I almost flinched until I realized it was a small paper envelope. "Open it," he ordered abruptly taking a gulp of alcahol I could now see in his hand. It's not like he could be in a one-foot radius without it

I glared at him and picked up the thin envelope slowly opening it and pulled out a bunch of green notes all with $100 dollars printed on them. My eyebrows immediately pulled together in confusion, and concern. I whispered, "Where did you get all of this."

One thing I could not handle was dealing with illegal matter when my life is already such crap.

He grunted and told me everything. "You're going to marry the daughter of my friends and live with her. You and I get a shitton of money. Simple." I didn't even care how selfish he was acting towards me at that time, selling his only son for money; all that occupied my thoughts at the moment was hope of escape.

Escape from this bastard, escape from this trailer, escape from my horrible life. With a startle, I snapped back to my senses and the present as I could hear Denise screaming. "TOM! That rotten little runt escaped!"

I looked confused as I realized she was talking about Chloe and Tom got up angry, throwing his teacup onto the stone building, furious. I gulped not knowing what to do or how my life will lead me for now on.


ok so I just love this song and I thought it fit so well with the chapter so check it out! Be My Escape by Relient K http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VMy3bPPCZM

And give me feedback in the comments pleaaaaaase! *puppy dog eyes* :3

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