Genji x Fem!Reader || Changed

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  Genji x Fem!Reader
Note: This wasn't requested by anyone, I am letting myself write what I want for a bit, can't focus on requests rn...just having writer's block with them.

"This world has changed you."
"It's changed you too, just not in the way either of us expected..."

Those were the only words exchanged between you both as you stood on the rooftop in Hanamura. You couldn't take your eyes off of the man- no...cyborg...before you. You hadn't seen him since his 'death' that you now knew was false, which filled you with relief. However, the sight of him weren't sure how to feel, and he regarded you with uncertainty that could only be seen in his stance. You couldn't blame him for believing the world had changed you. The last time you two had been together was when he was his go lucky, playboy self from the past, and you, his girlfriend who he was faithful to and loved deeply. Now however, you were a completely different person, not that sweet, innocent girl. Now, you were a mercenary, cold and hardened to the bone with the experiences you'd gone through. He wasn't who he'd been either, not even a man anymore it seemed, he was also wiser and more grown up, that old personality of the carefree man you'd fallen for gone. He was a member of Overwatch now –or at least he was a member of the band of misfits who were trying to revive it again- and didn't live that life any longer.
You were quiet as you observed him, unable to see his face behind the metallic mask and green visor. It displeased you knowing he could see you, and you could not see him. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, how he'd found you? You had no clue, he'd simply appeared from thin air it seemed and interrupted your moment to sit and relax on the rooftop. You also had a doubt in your chest, what if this wasn't actually Genji, what if he was claiming to be him, but was really here to kill you. You decided to take the chance to get that question out into the air before he could actually get the advantage to strike while you wrapped your head around everything. Your voice sounded raspy and foreign to you as you spoke, "How can I trust you? How can I believe you are who you say you are?"
"I hope this will prove to you who I am..." he said quietly in that somewhat robotic version of his voice.
He was still for a few moments before his hand moved up to his face causing you to lift an eyebrow, slightly tensing. What was he about to do? Realization hit you as a hissing sound met your ears and you stared at him with wide, expectant eyes. He pulled the visor and mask aside, hand dropping to his side as he held the item that hid his identity from the world. Your jaw slackened, staring into those familiar eyes that you hadn't seen in ages. He hadn't changed much except for him looking older and the many scars left from Hanzo's attempt to murder him. You didn't know what to say as you felt tears form in your eyes. "Oh god...Genji!" you cried, falling down to your knees as the tears ran down your cheeks, and your hand covered your mouth to muffle your choked cries. Your other hand clutched at your chest, and you realized you were shaking. You closed your eyes tight as sobs racked your body and an overwhelming feeling of guilt and pain shot through you.
All this time he'd been alive and you'd thought of him dead, not even bothering to try to pursue any idea of him living. You had simply accepted his death as true when Hanzo had shown up that day, bluntly telling you he'd killed his own kin with that dead and distant look in his eyes. Once Genji was gone, you'd simply shut out the world until you told yourself that Genji wouldn't want that. He'd always dreamed of someday being helpful in the world in a way that didn't involve his criminal family. You decided to live for him, to fulfill his dream that he'd had. Unfortunately, by that time...Overwatch had disbanded and most had gone off as mercenaries or some remained to fight the good fight even against the act that prevented them from doing so. So, you chose to become a mercenary and take on jobs you thought were right, fighting the fight you believed was the right way to go. Now, the very man you'd lived your life for was alive, revealing himself to you. A hand touched your own, pulling it from your face so your tear filled (e/c) orbs blurrily looked at him. "(y/n)...please, do not cry for me," he said.
"I'm n-not just crying f-for you...I thought y-you were dead a-and didn't even give it a s-second thought...and n-now you're alive, but you're a-a cyborg..."
"I may be part cyborg, but inside me beats the heart of a human man, the same heart that loved you all those years ago, and you know what? That same heart never abandoned those feelings."
"Then w-why didn't you find me s-sooner?"
"I was unable to accept myself could I come to you not even able to accept who I was? I couldn't love you properly without doing so. So, my master and several others helped me come to terms with my new body and my new being. However...something was missing still once I was able to accept my new existence...and that was you, (y/n)."
"Please, (y/n). I may not be the same outside, but inside I am. Will you please return with me to a new home where we can be together, where we can learn to accept each other again?"
You hesitated before nodding slowly and said, "Alright...I-I'll try for you."
"Arigato, (y/n)," he replied as he wiped tears from your face and stood tall. "Come on, let's go home."
He offered you a hand which you accepted as he pulled you to your feet. Your hands remained together, fingers interwoven like threads holding together a piece of clothing or a blanket. You leaned into him slightly, and he felt surprisingly warm. You relaxed at this, a small and uncertain smile on your lips as he placed his mask back on as you two headed back to your new home in Overwatch.  

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