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We all went to eat icecream. I ordered cookies and cream icecream in a medium-sized cup with oreo toppings. I smiled as the man handed my my delicious icecream. Neji got an icecream, but Hinata didn't. Hinata looked at her phone and then back at us and smiled.

"I have to go guys, but you two enjoy yourselves," she said with a smile and walking out of the icecream shop. I then looked at Neji and he was smirking at me. "Let's eat?" He asked with a smirk. "Whatever," I mumbled and went to go sit at a table.

Neji sat with me. "So tell me about yourself," Neji said. "There isn't much to say," I responded. "You must be more than just a pretty face, (name)," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

And from there we talked. About him, about me, about each other. And once we finished talking for awhile, Neji and I decided it was best to go home. We both stood up and walked out of the icecream shop and a chilly breeze came by.

I shivered a bit, and Neji seemed to notice. "Are you could?" He asked. I nodded, and he smirked. "Well, that sucks for you because I really like this hoodie," he said with a laugh. "You're such a jerk!" I screamed at him, and he just laughed. I rolled my eyes and I placed my hands on my chest angrily and I huffed. "I hate you," I spoke.

He sighed and stopped walking. "I'm sorry," he said, pouting his lip out. "Forgive me?" He asked with a big smile. "No," I said harshly. He frowned, taking off his hoodie. "What are you doing?" I asked, a bit confused. I rubbed my arms, since it was chilly outside. Neji then offered his hoodie up to me. "Put it on, you're gonna get sick," he demanded.

I was confused. He didn't wanna give it to me before. "Put it on!" He said again. "Whatever," I huffed, grabbing it. I put it on, and it literally smelled like Neji's cologne. I smiled, since Neji's cologne was really good. Like, really good.

We both then walked home and I smiled. "Well we're heree," I said, dragging out the e. "I guess so," he said, putting his hands in the pocket of his jeans. "I'm gonna go inside," I said, walking towards the door but Neji grabbed my wrist, turning me around and pressing his lips into mine.

And this time I didn't resist. I melted in the kiss, and I was actually enjoying myself. But as soon as I realized he didn't actually like me and this was Neji, Hinata's cousin, that I was kissing I pulled away, and hung my head low.

"(Name)?" Neji asked. And I ignored him, staring down at the floor. "Stop trying to play me," I said, and I walked towards the front door. "I'm not," Neji said. I turned my head to see Neji staring at me. I tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. "How could you possible like me? I'm wierd, i'm grouchy, and i'm not even pretty. What do you want from me? If you're just trying to sleep with me, it won't work, okay? And-" Neji cut me off.

"Shut up," he said. I was a little taken back by his words. "Why would you say that to me?" I responded, a little hurt. He then told me something which made my heart race in so may different directions.

"No, I mean shut up because nothing that you said about yourself is true. Except for maybe the wierd and grouchiness, but I like that about you. You're not ugly, you're beautiful. You are drop dead gorgeous and don't ever doubt yourself, okay? Today when we talked I found out alot more about you and I really like the real you. You're perfect inside and out and i'd really like it if you gave me a chance."

My face turned to look like the brightest red tomato out there. "I..I.." I couldn't even form a sentence. I felt everything get dizzy, and I felt my vision blacken. I then fell to the floor.

I fainted.

Neji x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now