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I was visiting Jonathans house for the weekend only to work on homework with him but I'm just gonna end up working on it by myself. Jon does this thing called 'Procrastination' and it bugs me to the max. He usually does his homework in the class that its due. He never gets involved with the words school and work very often. I was in his room alone working because he decided that playing outside was better. My I remind you that we are Juniors moving into our senior year. I always chose my school work first over everything. That's probably why I have Jon as my only friend, that I know over at least.

"EVAN!!," I heard Jon's mom call from down stairs. i put down my pencil and practically run down the stairs. "Evan?!," her voice coming from her office. I walk fast to her and open the door. "oh Evan did i disturb you from something?" I walk in closer to her. "Nah i was just working on homework." "You are gonna turn into homework if you don't take a break." I laugh because its true I never take break doing my work, and take it neither does she. I noticed that she had papers every where on her desk. "Looks like I'm not the only one" I say to counter act her.

She looks up from what she was, at the moment, doing and just stares at me with her squinty eyes. "Alright Evan, then could you run a quick quest for me?" she uses quest to represent 'favors' like in videos games Jon plays so much. "And what is thy quest i shall reeve." She laughs and says "I need printer paper and more staples" she pauses to push up the glasses I just noticed she had on, "work has not been nice to me lately. And having you get those supplies would help a whole lot." I nod to her in agreement that ill do it.

I was just exiting her office when she added, "OH and bring Jonny with you, you can baby sit him." she laughed at the end part and I just rolled my eyes and smiled. I close her door and walk towards the back yard where Jon should be located. I made my way through the kitchen, dining room, then the back door. As I was opening it I heard shuffling from the other side, what is he doing in there. I open the door and jump backwards "AAAAAHHHhhhh!!" I scream "HAHAHAHAHA!!" he laughs. "JON! Are you serious?!" he hold my chest to feel my beating heart. "As serious as can be" he smirks and walks to me. "Gah you can be such a dick." I'm going to get back at him for that.

"You came back here to find me for a reason, what is it?" I tell him we need supplies and we end up getting into my car. On our way to Staples Jon mentions "Hey while we are out can we go the mall and to go to the video game store? Pleeeaasse?" I reluctantly gave in, "Yes we can you big baby." he sits back and i can see him smiling. "Big baby, huh? I'll be a good boy daddy~" he says manically. He made me blush because i felt my face get hot. I'm seriously gonna get him back Big Time.

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