Chapter 3

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Camila's Pov

I decided that I should listen to Dinah and tell Lauren my feelings, who knows she could feel the same way about me. I've been thinking about how I should tell her. I don't want to just blurt it out while her and I are hanging out. Lauren and I are staying in today to watch movies so I'll just tell her then. "Hey Mila, we're leaving. Good luck with Laur." Dinah says. "Thanks DJ." I smile at her. I hear the door close and they are gone. Where is Lauren? She must be downstairs. "Hey Camz?" She yells. I get up and go see what she wants. She's in the living room on the couch "Yea Lo?" I say. "What movie do you want to watch babe?" Babe, She just called me babe. Lauren sees me smiling and looks at me confused and raises an eyebrow. "What are you smiling about?" My face turns red, "Oh umm nothing." She smirks "Yeah whatever. So what movie?" I start thinking, "Nemo!" She smiles and goes to put the movie in. I sit down on the couch and when she comes and sits back down to cuddle up next to her with my head on her shoulder.

Lauren's POV

This feels so perfect. It's like our bodies fit together perfectly. I look down at her. She's so perfect, the way her hair falls over her shoulders. I sigh thinking about it and I put my arm around her waist. She doesn't seem to mind, she just cuddles up closer to me. During the movie I start thinking about my feelings for her. Should I tell her? I don't want to ruin our friendship if she doesn't feel the same. But she could also like me back. If only she knew how much I loved her and how much I was in love with her. Before I know it, the movie is over and Camila sits up and looks at me. "Lo, can I talk to you?" she says. "Of course Camz." She takes my hands in hers and looks down at them. Why is she so nervous? "Do you promise that after I tell you, you will still be my friend?" she says. "Of course Camila, I'll always be your friend." She takes a deep breath and finally says "Lauren, I like you." I laugh "Well I like you too Camz haha." She looks at me seriously now. "No Lauren, I like like you. From the day we met and I looked into your piercing green eyes I fell for you. I tried to push the thought of loving a girl out of my head but my feelings for you just wouldn't go away. They won't go away. The way your hair falls so perfectly down your back, the way your eyes pierce right through my soul. I love you Lauren, I'm in love with you."

Camila's Pov

I finally said it. Lauren is silent and I look up at her to see her reaction and she starts smiling widely. "Camz, I'm in love with you. I can't believe that I've met such a perfect girl like you." she says. "Oh my gosh I was so afraid that you wouldn't feel the same." I say. "I was too Camz." she says. "So what now, Lo?" I say. She starts leaning in and touches my cheek. "This." she says. She holds the back of my head gently and finally the space between us is closed. Fireworks erupt around me and my stomach flutters. She starts pulling my hair and runs her tongue along my bottom lip. I let her in and we start making out. This is more than what I dreamed it would be. I lay back on the couch pulling Lauren on top of me, our lips still connected. I run my fingers through her hair, lightly tugging on it earning a moan from Lauren. She likes it rough, I'll keep that in mind. She starts kissing my jaw line, moving down to my neck until she finally finds my sweet spot, making me moan. She starts sucking my neck and I move my hands down her back, grasping her perfect round ass and squeezing. "mmm Camz..." she moans on my neck. I start to take her shirt off but she raises up and looks down at me. "Not here Camz. I want our first time together to be special, babe." She says. I reach up and tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Okay, Lo." I sigh." She gets up and pulls me up beside her. "So Camila, would you like to be my girlfriend?" she says. I start smiling like an idiot. "Yes Lauren, I would love to be your girlfriend." I say. She hugs me and kisses my nose. She looks at her phone to check the time 9:45. "Come on Camz, lets go to bed." she says. She gets up and holds her hand out. I take it, getting up. We walk up the stairs hand in hand. I climb in her bed while she goes to the bathroom. The whole time I think about everything that just happened. All this time I was worried about nothing because she felt the same about me. I'm glad I told her. Lauren comes out and she smiles at me and climbs into the bed. I cuddle up next to her with my head on her shoulder and she puts her arm around my waist. "I love you, Lo." I say. "I love you too, Camila." she says. I could get used to this.

Hey guys thanks for reading! Please share this story! Please give me ideas on what you want to see happen. I'm updating later today also! Love you guys!

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