Chapter 5

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Camila's Pov

We cuddled up in our bed. I layed with my leg around Lauren, half of my body on top of hers. "Lauren, that was amazing." I said. She smiled and said "Well thank you! You can pay me back another day." with a wink. I laughed and I reached up and kissed her lightly "Goodnight, Lo." "Goodnight, Camz." I layed my head on her chest and she wrapped her arm around my waist. I couldn't help but think about everything that just happened. Every touch from Lauren gave me goosebumps and sent a fire burning through my body. The way she treated me so gently, the way she looked at me with so much love, the way her green eyes pierce through my soul everytime we lock eyes. Everything about her is perfect. I smile just thinking about her and with that I fell asleep.

The Next Morning

I wake up and see that Lauren is still asleep. I get up, careful not to wake her, and put on some sweats and t shirt. I walk downstairs and see Ally cooking breakfast in the kitchen. I walk in and see Dinah at the counter. Ally sees me and says "Hey Mila!" Dinah looks up at me and yells "Ooohh Mila, you got sexed!!" I blush. "Be quiet Dinah you're going to wake up Lauren and Normani!" I say to her. "Too late!" I hear Normani and Lauren say in sync. Before I can turn around, Lauren is behind me with her arms wrapped around my waist and her chin on my shoulder. She reaches up and kisses my cheek "morning, babe" she says. I smile and turn around in her arms and kiss her on the lips. "Good morning." I say. She looks at Dinah and says "By the way, its none of your business, what we do." I look up and see Dinah and Normani in the same position as Lauren and I. I look at Lauren and lean in to her ear "Is there something going on between them?", whispering so only she can hear. She looks at me and shrugs "I guess we'll have to find out." she whispers back. "So girls, what do you want to do today?" Ally asks. We all look at each other. "I really don't even feel like doing anything today." Dinah says. We all nod in agreeance. "How about a movie day?" I suggest. "Yeah thats fine." we all agree. "Well, we are out of food, so I'm going to go shopping. If you want anything specific make a list." Ally says. We start makimg a list. Lauren of course wants nutella and I want pizza. "We need some new movies to watch I'm tired of watching the same ones." Normani says. We all agree. "Okay then. Me and Camila will go movie shopping, and Ally is going grocery shopping." Dinah says. "But I wanted to stay here with Lauren." I say disappointed. "Camz its fine. You can ask Dinah about her and Normani and I'll ask Normani." Lauren whispers. "Fine let me get a shower first." I say. "Can I join?" Lauren says winking. "No!" I say laughing. I go upstairs to take a shower.

When I come back down I see Ally has already left and Dinah is waiting for me in the living room. She gets up and we walk out. We get in the car with me driving. Dinah turns on the radio and finds out there is nothing good on so she turns it back off. "Dinah I have a question." I say. "Question. Tell me what you think about me?" she sings, making me laugh. "No seriously. I see the way you and Normani have been acting towards each other lately. Is there something going on between you two?" I ask. She looks at me with guilt. "I mean I like her but I don't know if she likes me back." she says sadly. "Well you should talk to her and see if she feels the same way." I say to her. We get out of the car as we are at the movie store. "What if she doesn't? I don't want to ruin our friendship." she says. "I've seen the way she looks at you. There is some feeling there." I say truthfully. "Yeah, I guess. I'll talk to her soon thanks, Mila." She says. "You're welcome." I say. We walk around the movie store trying to pick out movies. "What movies should we get?" Dinah asks. I look around and see a good one. "The Hunger Games is a good one, The Purge, The House at the End of th Street." I say. Dinah grabs them along with some not so scary movies. We ride back to the house. When I walk in, I see that Lauren isn't downstairs with Normani. Dinah walks over to Normani and she turns around to me, I give her a thumbs up. I walk upstairs in mine and Lauren's room to see that Lauren is in the bathroom taking a shower. I walk in and sit down on the sink "Hey babe. I'm back." I say. Lauren peeks out of the curtain and smiles. "Hey babe." she says. "So I talked to Dinah. She likes Normani but she's worried that Mani doesn't like her back." I say. Lauren peeks out again and says "Oh my gosh Normani feels the exact same way." I laugh and say "Dinah is downstairs talking to her now." She gasps and says "Hmm. I wonder how it will go." The water turns off. "Babe, can you hand me the towel?" She asks. I grab the towel and hand it to her through the curtain. She pulls the curtain back and steps out with the towel on. She walks over to me and stands between my legs and gives me a peck. She turns to walk into the bedroom but I grab her wrist and pull her back "Is that all I get?" I ask. She smiles and leans in, kissing me longer. I wrap my hand around her neck and she holds onto my waist. I lick her lips and she lets me in, our tongues fighting for dominance. I pull on her towel, making it fall. I pull back and stare at her body and my mouth falls open. She is so hot. She smirks and says "Like what you see, babe?" I just nod and pull her back to me, kissing her neck. Her head falls back, giving me more access. I pull her hair remembering how much she loves it. She moans in my ear, sending shivers down my body. I pull back "Babe, we have to go downstairs." I say to her. "Ughhh!!! You're such a tease!" She says. She pulls back and bends down in front of me, picking her towel up, giving me a good view of her amazing ass. I lean down and smack it and she moans loudly. Damn, she really does like it rough! I'll keep that in mind for later on. We walk into the bedroom and Lauren puts some clothes on. We walk downstairs hand in hand and see that Ally is back now and we can watch the movies. I look over and see Dinah and Mani still talking so we walk into the kitchen to help Ally put away groceries. We decided to watch The Hunger Games first so I made popcorn. I walk into the living room to see Ally in a bean bag on the floor Lauren on the big couch and Dinah and Mani cuddled up on the small couch. I sit next to Lauren and nudge her arm nodding towards Dinah and Normani. She smiles and wraps her arm around my waist, pulling me close to her. I grab the blanket on the couch and put it on top of us. I cuddle up next to Lauren. I put my hand on her stomach drawing patterns on it. Remembering what just happened 30 minutes ago, I let my hands wander and I hear Lauren gasp. I look up at her and she glares at me. I laugh. This day should be fun.

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