Bedroom Talk

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That night, laying under the blue silk sheets on my double bed. I was awake due to the sheer pain that my body is producing. "I can't put up with this, how can someone I look up too change in an instant, but then again this is the joker we are talking about." I tried to role over to get comfy but every time I moved the pain shot up my spine.

After a few hours of trying to force myself to sleep I saw the sun come through the window. "Well today is gonna be fun I'm never right when I'm tired." With that I sat up slowly and thought about getting dressed until a soft knock come at the door. I hold my breath thinking it was joker.

Harley popped her head around the door "I thought you might want a helping hand getting dressed hun." I just nodded and with that Harley walked to my wardrobe to pick me some clothes for the day.
"You know Hun, even after what he did yesterday, he still cares for you." With that I just scoffed. Harley turned her head to look at me. "I'm being serious Hun, the joker is never one to show affection towards anyone, hell I should know I was with him for 5 years, well I was with him and he just didn't care. Anyway, he wouldn't do all this for you." I just raised my eyebrows to Harley.
"Done all of what?" She just smiles.
"Your the only one that has a decorated room to this quality, joker but some serious money and effort to make this a room that you would love, I didn't even get this type of room, I got a box room with a single bed." With this new found information from Harley I was quite shocked. So does the joker care about me? More then he is showing off?

Harley came back from my wardrobe with some fitted blue joggers and a long sleeve grey top. "I thought you would like something casual and loose due to the pain." I put my hand on Harley shoulder.
"Thank you Harley, for everything."
"No problem Hun, oh and another reason I know joker is found of you as last night I went downstairs to talk to him and all I could him saying that he regretted what he did to you and he got upset, and we all know joker never regrets and never gets upset." With that Harley upped and left to go down for breakfast, but is what she said about the joker true.

I've been sitting on the edge of my bed thinking about the predicament that I was in for about an hour,should I give joker another chance and see if he can change or was everything, all the nice comments and all the gestures were fake? I was in mid thought and didn't hear the door open, next thing I knew the weight of the bed had changed and a hand on my shoulder made me flinch and look to the person.


I got a littler scared, why was he here, what does he want?

"Dear, I have actually came up too..... too... er.... god why is this so hard...... ok right I have come on here to apologise to you about last night and also to say that...... that I will wait for when you are ready.... that's if you wanna stay here."

Looking at joker saying this and with his eyes looking at me I knew he meant every word. So should I stay, or will he do it again.

"I'm just scared that you would do it again." My voice was a little shaky from when I was trying to sound confident. Joker took hold of my hand.
"Jess, I promise that I won't and I don't promise that often, but when I do they are kept, but to keep your mind at ease if I do anything to harm you, you are free to leave, deal?

"Deal" with a braid smile on my face.

Joker leaned in slowly to softly brushed his lips with mine. " good, would you like something to eat." I just nodded for an answer. "Come on the doll."

And with that he helped me up and helped me get downstairs towards the kitchen. Let's see what the days have in store for me.

- hey guys I'm so sorry that it took so long for an update, but here it is in all it's glory, sorry not much joker in this one, i will try and upload quicker. All my love guys. Xxxx

P.s. The photo is me and my sister as the duo (I'm the joker female version)

~Cherryknight 🍒

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