Secret Life, Secret Magic, Secret Forbidden Love. {Chapter03}

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Chapter 3.

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When I was driving down the road I saw that Benji’s bus was already pulling up so I stepped on the accelerator to try to get there before he got off the bus, but my luck had it that the road was still wet from it raining last night and when I turned my car I started to spin out a bunch of times before my car came to a stop near my parking space. I carefully started my car and drove it into my spot. When I got out of the car Benji ran into me.

“Oh my toys are you okay Natasha, did you get hurt, is the baby okay, are you going to go to the hospital, are you going to die.” Benji’s eyes started to water and I just wanted to laugh at how cute he was, instead I held him close and told him, “No Benji I am fine I didn’t get hurt and the baby didn’t get hurt, not even a bump on the hand.”

When we got to my place I started making supper for us. I knew Tucker would come over, he always does. It’s not very often that he doesn’t. I am the one who always cooks and does his laundry. I even clean his place sometimes. Well he has an xbox at his place so when I bring Benji the odd time I always end up cleaning up his place for him.

I heard the door open and close, but I didn’t look up, I was staring at the red pasta sauce. The blood of my family popped into my mind and with a frown I pushed it away into its deep dark corner.

“T-dog! You should have seen what Naughty Naty did!” T-dog is Benji’s nickname for Tucker because when he first saw him he said that his hair looked like a dog. When I heard that I had started to laugh for the first time sense my family was killed.

I watched as Benji spread his arms out and spun in a bunch of circles demonstrating what had happened to my car making awful screeching sounds. Tucker turn to look at me and took 3 quick and long steps towards me crossing my living room and half my kitchen in seconds. He had his eyes fixed on me and I looked down at the ground not wanting to meet his eyes. I felt his hand on my chin and had to fight down the blush that was threatening to cover my face. He turned my head from side to side. He felt my hands and was feeling my right wrist and looking at it. I felt my heart rate spike. I couldn’t let him see my left wrist. I had bracelets covering it, but under there was criss crossing scars so many that you couldn’t tell where one ended and another began. I had started to cut my wrist a long time ago and now it seems like every time that one starts to heal I have to cut again. I couldn’t help it and the only one who knew about it was Rex my brother, but I had promised him I would stop.

When Tucker had finished looking at my right wrist I stepped away from him.

“Okay this is getting annoying look. I’m fine not a bump.” I turned in circles I jumped up and down I moved my wrists and lifted up a chair that was near me. “See no pain. I’m fine really all my car did was spin in circles.” I said. ‘Oh god don’t let him find out, he would hate me forever if he knew. I care about him too much to have him hate me.’ Tucker gave me a puzzled look and came and hugged me.

“Don’t you ever worry me like that again. By what Benji was doing I thought you hit someone or something. Are you feeling okay though? Is your baby okay?” Tucker said.

“Yeah I’m fine. However, my back really hurts from sitting in that uncomfortable chair all day.” I said pouting. ‘oh god please give me a back message’ I loved the feeling of him touching me. And yeah I know wow ew gross thing to say blah blah blah… Well that’s not what I mean. What I mean is when he touches me I feel safe and warm and happy like nothing could ever bring me down. I heard Tucker chuckle and nod. I went into the kitchen and stirred the pasta and the sauce and put it to simmer on the stove. I told Benji to do his homework and I went into my bedroom and left my door open to see Benji.

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