Info you may want to know :)

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Intro to Pandora Shepard. You may not need to know this information to enjoy the story but it's just so you can understand her more. The only thing you really need to know is what happened at the end of Mass Effect 3.

Personal background: Earthborn (Pandora Shepard was an orphan raised on the streets of the great metropolises covering Earth. She escaped the life of petty crime and underworld gangs by enlisting with the Alliance military when she turned 18.)

Psychological profile: Sole Survivor (during Pandora's military service, a mission she was on went horribly wrong. Trapped in a life threatening situation, she had to overcome physical torments and psychological stresses that would have broken most people. Everyone around her fell, and she alone survived to tell the tale.)

Appearance: Light brunette hair, pale blue eyes, pale skin but not ghostly white.

In ME2, she was 80% renegade and 20% paragon.

In ME3, she was 75% paragon and 25% renegade.

In ME2, in the suicide mission, she rebelled against the Illusive Man and destroyed the Collector base. No casualties.

In ME3, at the Crucible, she decided to destroy the reapers.

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