Chapter 2

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Pandora's POV

"No matter what happens here, I love you. Always will."

That was the last thing I said to Garrus Vakarian. A tank had flipped and injured him so I knew it was just too risky to let him carry on. He was against it but he knew that he had to.

I didn't even watch the Normandy take off before I carried on running towards the beam that would transport me to the Citadel. I had no idea if anyone was already there, or what awaited me there, but I had to go. Garrus and I had prepared for the worst before we charged into this final assault.

Every fight we have ever seen may have been our last. Every bullet we've ever dodged might have been the one.

That was one thing that he said after my bad dream. It was right too. Back on Akuze, everyone died there and I could have easily joined the list of names that didn't make it out alive. I stayed focused on the mission and that's how I've always worked. It's never failed me before and I'm not going to stop now.

I sprinted towards the beam when I saw a Reaper approaching. There was no way I was going to get past this easily. Regardless, I kept running towards the beam when I got hit by a red light.

Moments later, I woke up and I heard that no one had made it to the beam. I couldn't stop. I couldn't afford it. I was the last hope. The last star that hadn't gone out yet. Limping, with gun in one had and my hand on my stomach. I made my way to my destination.

Holy shit. She actually did it. This is the admiral. We've got reports that someone made it to the Citadel.

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