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Austin's POV:

"Guys hurry up! We have to go meet our new Tour Manager." I yelled from the other room.

"What's his name?" Alan asked.

"She, actually. Her name is Leda she's 22 but there's no picture of her."

"Damn." Alan said

"Yeah, I bet she's really cool. Now go get in the car. You too Phil." we all got in the car going to have lunch with our tour manager. Tino and Aaron were busy with their girlfriends.

For some reason I'm really exited. Like its a new start to a friend ship or even relationship. I mean you never know.

A girl walked up to us "Hello, you must be part of, Of Mice And Men?"

I nodded vigorously. "Yeah I'm Austin that's Phil and Ginger Princess." I said sticking out my hand. She shook it, an we went to our table.

"Well I'm Leda, if you need anything feel like you can contact me. My life is very unexciting, here's my card. " She handed everyone her card with her number on it.

"Thanks, so tell us about yourself. " I stated.

"Um well. I, I'm 22 I'm from LA but I lived in San Diego most if my life I moved back to LA about 3 months ago. I love horror movies, music, art, concerts, mosh-pits. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if you found me in a mosh out during the show. " She let out a little giggle. It was so cute.

"Well I'm Austin, I'm 25 I'm the lead yeller of our band. I love Star Wars, my fans are my biggest inspiration, I'm a hopeless romantic. And the little mermaid is my favorite movie. " I said looking towards Alan to say stuff about himself.

"Well I'm Alan or ginger princess, same thing. I'm 22 as well, I love love love cats, this is my real hair color. I'm single and ready to mingle." and he started to laugh, "I play guitar in the band and I just like to chill. "

"Ok my turn!!" Phil piped up.

"My name is Phil, I also play guitar in the band. I'm engaged I love video games and food, Alan forgot to tell you about his obsession for sushi." I bursts out laughing and so did Alan. "Let me finish!" "ok ok" I said. "And I'm the best in the bus. "

"You guys are great." Leda said smiling.

"Why thank you my lady" Alan said.

She did that adorable little giggle again.

We got our food ate and Leda had to leave we said our goodbyes and left back to my house to do whatever for the rest if the day.

Today was a great day.

*Next Day*

Leda's POV:

I woke up and had about a million text messages from the guys.


Hey this is Austin from Of Mice & Men.

Hey it's Austin again do you wanna hang out later.

Hey there's a party at my place wanna join.

Leda are you alive?!

If your up for the party I can pick you up.

Just text me.


Hey Leda it's Alan or Ginger Princess.

Yesterday was really nice we shod do it again.

There's a party at Austin's place later. Wanna come?

It's just a lot of bands.

It can be a good way to meet people before tour next week.

If your up for it just text me.


Hey this is Phil, here's my number if you need anything.

Wow these guys seem to really like me.

To Austin and Alan:

Hey I would love to hang out with you guys it sounds great, text me your address and time.


2666 SunnyDale Drive it starts at 4:20. See you then.

To Austin:

Great do I need to bring anything?

Austin: nope just your beautiful self.

I blushed so badly. He's so sweet.

Well it's already 3:00 so I should start getting ready. I actually pretty exited. I'm so happy I took this job.

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