Desperate Crimes

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Leda's POV:

As I got into my car I texted Austin I was coming and should arrive in about 20 minutes.

I knew it should only take 15 but it gives me time for traffic.

I put on Bring Me The Horizon's album 'Suicide Season' and started rocking out at all the stop lights.

People from the other cars were giving me cold glares, I wanted to yell "That's right bitch!" out the window but I managed not to.

As I arrived to Austin's house I starred in 'aw' it was ginormous.

"So.. how long have you been out here just starting at his house, wondering if you should go in or not?" said a voice behind me.

As I turned around to see who it was I almost passed out.

It was THE Vic Fuentes of Pierce The Veil. He is one of my heroes.

"Only about five minutes I um just got here, yeah.'' I squeaked out

"Oh, well I'm Vic, I sing in pierce the veil. You are?"

"I'm Leda, Of Mice & Men's new tour manager. "

"Nice to meet you, ill be seeing a lot of you on your then. " He said snickering

"Haha, yeah. Hopefully. " I'm so awkward.

"Well come on let's go inside!" he said pulling my hand towards Austin's front door.

We knocked on the door and Austin opened it giving me and Vic each a bear hug.

"Um hi Austin.." I said

"Hey I'm so happy you could make it!" he said happily "drinks are in the kitchen"

"Cool thanks. "

He nodded and started having a conversation with Vic, so I walked to the kitchen hoping I would see Alan or Phil so I wouldn't have to be left alone.

Luckily when I got in there, both of them were in there, So I wouldn't be left alone.

I grabbed a beer, talked to Alan, chatted for a while sipping on multiple drinks. I can feel myself slipping away into drunk a mess.

"Hey hey hey, you wanna have some fun in my room?" Austin said, being drunk as well.

"Defiantly. " I said following him up to his room.

He picked me up and threw me on the bed, removing his and my clothes, he was on top if me kissing my neck making me moan.


"Scream my name louder, baby."

That's all I could remember before I fell asleep.

Austin's POV:

I woke up with my arms wrapped around someone, and a major hang over.

I have no idea who I slept with last night, probably a groupie that came to the party.

I moved the hair from her face and was shocked. Oh woah, I just slept with our tour manager ,I may or may not I Have A huge crush on , leaning towards may.

Well I should go get dressed and put clothes on the side of her so she can change when she wakes up.

I hope she wants to be in a relationship. Maybe.

Leda's POV:

I woke up in a bed much more comfortable than mine I can't remember anything from the party last night other than drinking a lot.

I wasn't wearing anything so I guessed I wasn't really good last night. I put on the clothes found my Keys and ran out the door into my car.

I drove to my apartment as fast as I could, I took a shower to get whoever it was off of me, fuck I was so fucked up I can't even remember who I slept with. what the fuck is wrong with me?!

I got out of the shower and changed into some sweats and a Pierce The Veil T-shirt. I had so many missed calls and text messages from the guys Of Mice & Men.

From: Aaron

Hey this is Aaron I sing In Of Mice & Men we didn't get to meet at lunch or the party either.

To: Aaron

Hey Aaron I'm Leda and I'm your tour manager if you need anything at all ill be happy to help. Thank you for contacting me, see you soon!!


I had a great time last night!

Did you have fun?

How do you feel today?

Why did you leave? I was making breakfast!

Are you ok?

I know that what we did last night we weren't in the right state of mind but are we something now? because I wouldn't mind. :3

To: Austin

I'm fine, thanks for the 15 million text messages, and I'm sorry but I'm not dating and I probably won't for a while, ill see you when tour starts. Bye.

Well this is gonna be awkward. Very awkward. Austin is a nice guy, a very attractive guy and all. But I would t want to lose friendship or my amazing job over it .

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