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I woke up suddenly. After looking around, I sighed, then smiled.

"It was just a dream..."I said quietly. "Oh thank god it was just a dream."

There was a knock at my door. "Come in." The door opened and Tori poked her head through.

"Hey, breakfast's ready." She suddenly narrowed her eyes, "Are... you okay?" I nodded,

"Yeah I'll be out in a sec." She nodded slowly and closed the door. I got out of bed and walked towards my bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my hair but that was it. I was too tired and hungry to do anything else.

I walked out of my room and down the hall towards the dining room. Tori was in the kitchen making- I sniffed the air- bacon. Bacon?! My eyes widened and I ran down the hallway into the kitchen.


She jumped and turned around, "God, why are you yelling..? Yeah I'm making bacon, now go sit down like a good child and wait patiently."

"Yes, Mother." I saw her smile as she turned back to the bacon. I walked into the dining room and picked up the daily paper. Huh. Five children missing? I shrugged, shaking my head, probably some bad parents or something. I skipped over that article and read something about where the next Olympics were going to held, or something like that.

Tori brought in bacon and pancakes. My eyes widened, pancakes too? I looked at her with wide eyes and she backed away a bit.

"Please don't hurt me..." She covered her face with a pancake. I laughed evilly, kicking her in the shin. She screeched, uncovering her face and slapping me with the pancake, "Heh, guess we're even then." She said with a smirk, eating the pancake.

"Humph, fine then." I sat down and started devouring bacon wrapped in pancakes while Tori watched me, calmly pouring too much syrup on her pancake. She finally looked down and realized how much syrup she had poured on the pancake. She sighed and put the bottle down, picking up her fork.

"Oh well..." she stabbed her pancake, sighing again but continuing to eat it

A/N: See? It's a bit longer... I guess. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed this chapter because I know I did!!! (heh...) Well anyway, that's all for now so goodbye and I'll see you next week pals -3•

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