Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

After I’d kicked Selena out I’d fled to the recesses of my room and moped there for the rest of the day. I even threw myself an exclusive self pity party in which I had a heated argument with my reflection on whether God hated me or not. I’m still not quite sure which side won.

By the time Ash walked in to my room in the late afternoon I’d finally quit moping and was sat reading an old copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – one of my favourite books.

“Hey, Riley?” Ash was hovering in my bedroom door way looking deep in thought. “Can I talk to you?”

I set the book to one side and beckoned him in, scooting over on my bed so he could sit beside me.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said…” he started. He suddenly blinked a few times before smiling down at me and continuing. “About that guy, Levi.” I nodded, eager for him to continue. He’s a freak. Stay away from him. He’s a mass murderer with a psychological problem.

“He was one of my best buds from middle school! I don’t know how I forgot him…” He trailed off in reflection. My mouth dropped open in shock; that wasn’t the description I’d expected at all.

He noticed my stunned expression and grinned. “Don’t look so shocked, Riley. He’s a really great guy. He always looked out for me, stopped me from hanging out with the wrong crowd. I’m glad he’s looking out for my little sis too.”

“Oh…okay.” I frowned at him in confusion before an idea suddenly popped into my mind. “He was here earlier.”


“Yeah, he…asked me out…on a date.” Okay, so I was bullshitting slightly – he didn’t actually ask me out on a date – but sometimes you have to exaggerate to get your point across. His expression suddenly became carefully composed.

“Oh. What did you say?”

“I told him to hit the road.”

I expected Ash to laugh at that but instead the expression on his face just changed to that of surprise. “Why didn’t you say yes?”

Once again he had me frowning at him in confusion. “Should I have?”

“Yes.” He said bluntly, as if it was obvious – which it most certainly was not. So I’m supposed to say yes to a random telepathic stranger who a couple of hours ago my brother denied knowing but all of a sudden remembers being best buds with? Yeah, sounds legit. Not. He must’ve noticed the incredulous expression on my face because he sighed and said in a world weary voice: “I won’t be staying with you and Megan forever and you’ll be going to college sometime soon. Either way I won’t be around to protect you forever. As much as I hate to admit it you need a boyfriend to protect you. Levi’s a good guy…” He shrugged uneasily. The sheepish expression on his face told me everything; he was just trying to look out for me.

I threw my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you, Ash.”

“Love you too.” He mumbled, draping his arms around my waist uncomfortably. Ash never was very good with displaying affection. He gave my back an awkward pat before pulling away and walking out the bedroom door, leaving me to ponder over what the hell was up with my big brother.

Firstly, how can you forget your ‘best bud’ from middle school? And then suddenly remember him a couple of hours later. There are people in your life you forget but your own best friends are not one of them.

Secondly, my brother was the most over protective person I knew. I couldn’t even look at a boy without him being screened first. So why on earth was he so eager about Levi? Considering he hadn’t even known who I was talking about earlier that morning he sure seemed keen on me suddenly dating.

My Delinquent Angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें