Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

I’m dead. I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead–

You’re not dead, Riley. You were asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes but nothing changed. It was still pitch black. All I knew was I was laid down on something cushiony and comfortable but I was still stuck on the fact that I couldn’t see a damn thing.

I’m blind. I’m blind I’m blind I’m blind I’m blind.

You’re not blind.

Then why’s it so dark?

My internal question was answered by a faint light being switched on beside me. Next to the light was a faint outline of a blond haired boy sat in the chair beside me. I glanced around the room. It was too dark to see any details but I could make out the fact that I was in a bedroom somewhere lying in a bed and that Levi was sat in a chair beside me.

“Good morning.” He murmured before suddenly grimacing. Even in the dim light I could see that he looked sickly pale.

“Levi? What happened?” As soon as I said the words the memories came flooding back. “There were two people…”

He nodded but didn’t say anything.

“They were trying to kill us?”

He nodded again. He looked defensive, like he was waiting for something. But what? Oh…

“You spoke…in my mind?”

He nodded again and I was starting to wonder if I was talking to a bobbing head doll.

“Care to explain what the hell’s going on?”

He opened his mouth as if to say something but suddenly closed it. His face was screwed up like he was in pain.

I sat up and frowned down at him. “Are you okay?” Without thinking I touched my hand to his forehead.

Migraine. It hurts to talk.

“Okay… but you’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”

He leant back and winced when his head hit the back of the chair before carefully composing himself again. Ask away.

A thousand questions buzzed around in my head, all itching to be asked, but I went with the one I wanted to know the most. “Who are you, Levi? Who are you really?”

I’m an old friend.

I couldn’t help rolling my eyes at him; he avoided questioning just like Ash.

“Okay, what are you?”

His lips set into a grim line. I’m…on your side.

My patience evaporated. “What are you, Levi! You need to tell me right now or I’m walking out that door and phoning the police.”

You can try running but you won’t get very far. He sighed as if he were an old man trying to talk to a child. I’m an angel, Riley.

“And I’m Santa, nice to meet you. Please be serious.” I sighed in exasperation.

I am serious. I’m your guardian angel, Riley, and I need you to trust me.

“I’d trust you if you’d be serious. What are you? An ex-gang member or something? Because if you are I really don’t want anything more to do–”

“I’m an angel.” He yelled out loud and I cringed away from his anger. A look of regret – I wasn’t sure if it was regret at talking so loud with his migraine or for yelling at me – passed through his eyes before he clamped his mouth shut and spoke angrily in my head again. I’m your guardian angel, Riley. I have been seen you were eight years old. I’m trying to protect you from people like Vetis and Lillith. Understood? No you are not going crazy, no you’re not going to wake up and find it was all a dream. This is real and you are in grave danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2012 ⏰

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