Chapter 23 - Jasmine's Recovery

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It was Zak she saw when she woke up. 

His soft concerned face was peering down at her. She blinked slowly and watched him as he realised that she was awake. He smiled at her and her heart soared. She was in his room. She realised, as she took in the space behind Zak, showing football posters, that she was definitely on his bed. How did she get there? Jasmine couldn’t remember anything. Scrunching her face up didn’t seem to help, like she thought it would.

            He got off his chair and leaned over her. His hair dangled over her face and she smiled slightly as his breath tickled her skin. There was something over her. A cover. She was actually in his bed. She realised, also, that she was lying with her head slightly propped up by a pillow, her hands at her sides. She lifted her arms and noticed how heavy they felt, different.

What had happened?

They slumped back onto the bed with a groan.

“Alright, sleepy head?” he asked softly, whispering as if the words were going to jump out and bite her.

“I think so.” She whispered back and breathed in deeply. His scent was mouth-watering. Something couldn’t be that different. She breathed out gently.

“When you started spinning it sort of…you know.” He looked at her and went slightly pink, quickly darting his eyes to the floor.

She blushed, realising what he meant.

            Blushed? She didn’t have any blood did she? She hadn’t been able to blush before. Then the night finally started flooding back to her. She raised one of her hands and touched her own cheek, feeling the soft texture and the gorgeous warm heat exploding through her cheeks.


“I didn’t…” He began, embarrassed.

“I know.” She shuffled up slightly and realised that she had changed. A dark shirt covered up to her thighs under the covers. He must have felt uncomfortable, carrying her along the road with nothing on.

“Gems changed you into a shirt of mine then went over to her house to get some clothes for you. We didn’t want to move you again so they’re over there.” He pointed over to his desk where two pink tops were draped over the side, a pair of dark jeans and a short mini black skirt folded next to them. She sighed with relief when she saw one black and purple top under all the bright stuff, just out of sight.


“Why? Why what?” He glanced back into her face, confused, but a slight smile on his face, a kind smile. He sat on the side of the bed and it tilted her to the right. He could feel him by her legs. She pushed herself up so she could sit instead of lying down.

She could see him properly now. He was dressed in a dark red shirt with dark jeans, his hair brushed so it waved as he moved.

“Why did you set me free?” Anger was starting to fill her as pieces started to fit together. 

“Well, you deserved to be.” he said and smiled, only to be rewarded by a hard punch in the arm. “OUCH!”

“I did not want to be set free.” Jasmine hissed. “It was very sweet though.” She added and smiled.

“I just thought…” Zak shook his head and stared at her in disbelief.

“It’s fine, Zak.”  She pulled off the covers to show the dark grey shirt they had put on her, splattered with many colours to spell out ‘Rock’. Putting her hands to her lips, she felt behind her teeth. No fangs. She grinned.

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