Chapter 25 - Jasmine's Jump

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Jasmine jumped with a start as Zak’s bedroom door swung open. She’d had her back to it and it had been such a surprise. It caused her to drop what she was holding, making it to bounce on the floor with a bang. She screamed and watched as the figure came into the room.

            Sighing with relief, she recognised the shadow as Zak came in and stared at her. Gems quickly appeared at his side and peeked around at her. She slowly picked up the thing she’d dropped and held it in her hand as she watched the couple with wide eyes.

Why did they look like that? What was wrong?

“Why didn’t you answer?” He snarled at her. She blinked at him, surprised at his tone of voice.

“Well I, I didn’t hear you.” She stammered as she put down his iPod. He glared straight through her and she blushed at the floor. “I’m sorry.” She murmured and shuffled her feet. It wasn’t her fault she hadn’t heard him. His iPod was loud and she hadn’t figured out how to turn it down yet.

“Well…” He started and cleared his throat as he entered the room properly. “Has anything happened?”

Clearly he felt uncomfortable at what had just occurred. She moved herself over to the window and sat down on the shelf. Gems joined them and sat on the chair.

“No.” She answered to the button she was messing with in her fingers.

“Are you sure?”

“Nothing has happened.” She assured him firmly, not meeting his gaze. She could feel both of them watching her and it made her uncomfortable.

“Where’s the knife, Jasmine?”

“The knife?” She looked up, confused, and stared at Zak. “What knife?”

“There’s a knife missing from the wood downstairs.” He stared at her and then down at her wrists.

She pulled a face. “I don’t know. I’ve been in here all day.”

“Are you sure? You haven’t…” Gems squeaked.

“I haven’t done anything.”

Zak walked over to her and she looked up at him wearily. He held out one of his hands and she squinted at him. “Let’s see.”


“Give me your hands.”

“Zak I haven’t done anything!”

“Then give me your hands!”

            They glared at each other until Jasmine dropped her hand into his. He studied her wrist carefully, stroking them, before dropping it and taking the other one. That, too, was not cut. Jasmine stared at him all the way through the inspection as if the boy had gone completely mad.

“Happy?” She sneered.

“Yes. I was just checking.” Zak moved back towards the bed and sat down.

 “I’ll just go and get a drink.” It was anything to get away from the startled crazy couple. She couldn’t believe that he hadn’t trusted her at home alone.

She should have cut her wrists, she thought gloomily. Why had she changed her mind at the last moment?

“Okay. In the kitchen, glasses are in the top draw.” Zak said and stood up, ready to go with her.

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