Tuesday 12th May 2015: Wake up

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There's the sound of something vibrating against wood, a sound that sends a grating feeling down my spine. It's annoying and I reach out blindly, in hopes of stopping the horrid noise. I fail as I hit my hand against whatever it is and I hear it clatter to the floor, where it pauses for a second before continuing, louder than ever. I groan and open my eyes, cursing softly because the light streaming in through the window is nice, but too bright. 

Blinking rapidly, I knead my knuckles into my closed eyelids with a tad bit more force than necessary, trying to rub the sleep out of me. 

It works, for a moment, because I stretch in my bed and take a deep breath in. The air still smells like lemons, everything is still clean and I sigh in happiness. Not for long though.

I can still here the buzzing of my alarm and I bend over the bed frame to pick the device up to stop its incessant ringing. I swipe the screen, wincing at the time 8:55am.

Another day with a less than decent amount of sleep. 

I make my bed and close the windows, the muslin curtains still letting the light filter through. Then there's the trudge to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth and wash my face. I try not to look in the mirror, aware that what I'm about to see isn't going to be pretty but I still catch sight of the dark, bruise-like circles under my eyes against my shockingly pale skin. I'm not bragging in any way, and skin like this is almost a curse and I curse my parents for my fair skin. I look like a mess and I have the sudden urge to do something like rub under my eyes, as if that's going to make the circles disappear, so instead I channel this itch horrid into a productive ability like....wipe down the wet surfaces of the sink. I pull at my t-shirt and take a quick sniff. There's the faint scent of sweat. There's enough time for a quick shower, I think and I strip off my clothes and throw them into a hamper and then step into the shower. The cool tiles bring a shiver down my back and I turn the shower on, directing the flow of water away for a few seconds so that the cold water can warm up slightly. I stand under the mini rainfall and let the water seep through my black hair, dragging my nails through my scalp in a familiar forward and backwards motion. I reach for shampoo, conditioner and shower gel and continue my daily routine of cleansing, in respective order. I reach out for a towel and dry myself thoroughly before padding back to my room to rummage for clean clothes. 

I note that today was a Tuesday, and Tuesdays mean shopping with Namjoon, so I pick something out that has some hint of colour because otherwise Namjoon will whine that 'black is a shade and white is a tint and they don't count as colours' and make me spend money on useless clothes that I have no need for that will certainly bring me a headache. I wear a silvery grey jumper and a pair of black jeans before reaching out for a new pair of pristine white gloves. I remove my usual black coat from it hanger, taking care not to crease the protective plastic covering that lay over it and fold it over my arm as I head out to the kitchen while slipping my phone into the back pocket. I take a green apple, wash it, wipe it clean and eat it while taking out a bag from a drawer. After I throw the finished core away, I wash my hands once more before slipping on my shoes and grabbing my bag. I step outside and shiver. I put on my coat and gloves and walk down the stairs because the elevators always smell like sweat and bodily fluids no matter how much the janitors say they clean it. I bow at the receptionist, a bubbly and bright guy named Kim Jongdae, as I make my way out "Have a good day, Mr. Min! Be careful of rain" he calls out. I turn my head slightly and nod my head in acknowledgment and smile back at him slightly. 

It's almost impossible to not respond to Jongdae with anything that isn't positive, in my opinion and even though his bright attitude seems almost put on, he has the best interests at heart for everyone, so it's nearly justifiable. I open my bag and search for my earphones and plug them into my mobile, looking through the song selections carefully before playing one. I'm later than usual to meet at Namjoon's house but I always arrive before he wakes up so I'd be alright. I take a deep breath and weave in and out of people to reach my destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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